Skin Refiner salon-quality powdered masks with Translucent Hydrating Powder use advanced nanotechnology combined with Marine Collagen to address different skin conditions to help achieve the desired outcome. The Anti-Acne Kiwifruit Mask combats free radicals and repair damage while reducing oil secretion, keeping the skin smooth and moist. The Gold Foil Mask effectively firms up the skin, leaving it radiant and glowing. It uses the acclaimed Nano-Gold to help keep the skin wrinkle-free with a youthful elasticity to it.
The Diamond Detox Mask with active silver foil powder helps to produce positive electric charge particles to offset the absorption of dirt and remove toxins from the skin for a more healthier complexion. The Anti-Wrinkle Lavender Mask soothes the skin and protects it from further damage caused by environmental factors, while the Hydrating Rose mask, made from dried, crushed rose petals gives skin a moist, crystal clear appeal. The masks can be combined with one another for even more skin-beautifying benefits, or be used alone to address specific skin issues.
黑头粉刺是爱美一族的恶梦,许多人发现黑头粉刺现身,都会更加强清洁和使用粉刺贴,这些习惯却可能弄巧成拙!想要解决种种的毛孔问题,与黑头、粉刺、油脂说Bye-bye,最基本也最重要的是:适度清洁和保养。Skin Refiner 焕彩透肌面膜粉(Translucent Hydrating Powder)就是您的首选SPA级深层清洁方案,推出至今广受女性顾客不停回购,已连续多年蝉联获得最佳面膜粉的荣誉。
Skin Refiner 焕彩透肌面膜粉是全马第一采用先进纳米技术的软膜粉,萃取100%精华成分,也特别添加了海洋胶原蛋白、海藻酸钠、氨基酸及果胶,粉质细腻,分子超细微,一敷在脸上可快速渗透皮肤,把你每一个毛孔打开,快速清除污垢和油脂,对祛除黑头、粉刺、痘痘具有明显效果。最后撕下来的时候,整张脸显得更白、更亮、变更干净了!
Skin Refiner 焕彩透肌面膜粉和普通贴片面膜相比,密度高、贴合度强,再加上承载的营养成分比较多,能让肌肤更充足吸收面膜粉的营养;最重要的是,不同类型的面膜粉可以改变不同肌肤问题,Skin Refiner共有 4 款承载高营养精华的人气面膜粉,主打补水保湿、舒缓抗敏、控油祛痘细毛孔、抗老修护等功效。【玫瑰保湿面膜】适合干燥缺水暗哑的肤质使用,深入肌底补水滋润,嫩肤净白提亮去黄。【薰衣草抗斑面膜】适合敏感肌肤使用,具有舒缓肌肤、快速修复以及镇定敏感肌肤等功效。【钻石排毒面膜】适合黑头粉刺肤质使用,不仅有效清除黑头粉刺,还能吸附皮肤油脂及污垢,调节皮脂分泌。【金箔抗皱面膜】适合皱纹下垂肌肤使用,有效紧致肌肤、减少细纹,让你变得更年轻!
Skin refiner mask
Skin Refiner Gold foil Anti-aging Mask
Skin Refiner Translucent Hydrating Powder-Rose Mask
Suitable for all skin types especially Dry and Flaky Skin
✅Benefits :
• Resolves dry and peeling skin
• Intensely hydrates and moisturizes skin
• Prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles
• Establishes healthy moisture barrier with brighter skin
📌Direction of use:
Take 14 - 20g of mask powder on the mask bowl with 14 - 21ml of water. Mix well and until mask powder is fully dissolved. Apply evenly on the face and wait for 15 – 20 minutes until the mask dried up. Then peel off the mask.
✨After i use it the skin absorbs nutrition immediately bring super nice if it makes my skin sparkling and crystal clear. I like it 🌷🌷
Recommended 🤩
Strongly recommend
Skin Refiner Translucent Hydrating Powder
Anti-Repair Lavender Mask
最近经常熬夜皮肤差又变黑,脸部斑点又增加。刚好有SKIN REFINER 薰衣草抗斑膜,纯天然的薰衣草花瓣,有舒缓皮肤压力的功能,不仅能速进肌肤新陈代谢,还能淡化斑点,恢复无暇透白的肌肤。
I Love This Powder Mask
Pertama kali guna, lepas dah kering saya dapat rasa kulit muka saya nampak bersih, halus dan pori pori nampak jadi lebih kecil, kulit terasa lebih anjal.. 🥰
Yang bestnya, bila mask ni dah kering senang untuk tanggal dan bersihkan.. Tak macam mask yang sebelum ni saya guna jenis peel off juga, punya la susah nak bersihkan..
Skin Refiner Translucent Hydrating Powder is The Best Mask 👍
Skin Refiner Powdered Mask
I feels my skin radiant, brighter, and hydrated after using it.The method used is simple and easy to use.
I loved it after the first use because it uses natural ingredients and give me a beautiful skin❤️
Excellent and effective ❣️
Variant: 𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒊-𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓 - 𝑳𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌
Skin Refiner Translucent Hydrating Powder. It comes in 4 variants. Mine is The Anti-Repair Lavender Mask. It helps soothes the skin and protects it from further damage caused by environmental factors.
This powdered mask. Not face mask! It comes with a cup, a scoop and spoon. No worry of messy. Superb! With Translucent Hydrating Powder and Marine Collagen in this amazing powdered mask and the smells of lavender petals is so nice. I'm in love. The results is so effective. I can feel the calms, smooth and glowy on my face. Very recommended 💜
Rose Mask that Hydrates My Skin
Sejuk dan menyegarkan selepas penggunaan
Skin Refiner Powered Masks
Skin Refiner Powdered Masks
Skin Refiner Powered Masks
Skin Refiner Powered Masks
Nice fragrance with awesome after-effects!!
SKIN REFINER is known by its beauty products ranging from face & body care to healthcare products also by its fine quality (I really mean it!). Recently, they come up with their latest invention which is Skin Refiner Powdered Masks. Powdered? For sure you think it’s gonna be quite messy right? NO!
I’m using Anti-Repair Lavender Powdered Mask from Skin Refiner right now and… I FELL IN LOVE WITH ITS AFTER EFFECTS! Nice fragrance to be honest (I feel like I’m bathing in lavender petals!). With Translucent Hydrating Powder and Marine Collagen in this amazing powdered mask, I can feel so “Korean-ny” after this! A must-buy product! Saranghae, Skin Refiner!
Lavender mask
Special Rose Petal Mask
masking time
reducing oil secretion, keeping my skin looks smooth and fresh all day long. The Gold Foil Mask effectively help my skin to maintain radiant and glowing. The Nano-Gold keep my skin to wrinkle-free and looks younger than my age ?
My skin become more radiant and glowing after several use
Skin Refiner Powdered Masks
Excellent Hydrating Rose Mask
I like the smell very much as it is relaxing and pleasant.
It contains fish collagen which after you apply the mask, you can feel your skin is smooth and instantly forming and brigthen up.
I will definitely recommend to all my friends and family.
To used this product is very easy , measure it accordingly to the instructions and it's have its own cup for you to used. No Hustle. I recommend anyone to try it.
Collagen Mask with Rose scent
For the product itself, it works pretty good as it claimed. The product comes with rose extract leaving a nice scent when apply on the face. Also the collagen content does help to make the skin feeling subtle and moisture after used.
Glowing skin
Skin Refiner Powdered Masks (Rose)
Skin Refiner powdered masks (rose)
Best face masks
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