High density foam penetrates and destroys mold in 5 minutes.

The strong penetrative formula removes and wipes out stubborn stains and mold roots.

It is suitable for bathroom walls, floor, tile gaps, washing basin, silicone part at shower door, drainage hole, shower curtain and toilet bowl.

No more scrubbing!


(7 Reviews)

5 stars 6
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Tak Perlukan Sentalan

Magiclean Stain N Mould ini umpama produk magic bagi saya kerana ianya mudah membersihkan kotoran degil di lantai dan dinding bilik air.Dengan Magiclean,hanya sembur dan biarkan seketika.Tak perlu menyental,hanya gosok sahaja dan semua kotoran tertanggal dengan mudah.

Hanya spray dapat hilangkan kotoran

Magiclean Stain & Mold Trigger adalah salah satu produk kegemaran saya u tuk mencuci dinding yang kotor. Hanya spray di tempat kotor dan ianya akan hilang dalam masa yang singkat tanpa perlu menyental permukaan kotor dengan kuat. Sangat mudah digunakan dan menjimatkan masa untuk membersihkan rumah saya.

No more scrubbing

I want to tell out loud that, “NO MORE SCRUBBING” needed if you use Magiclean Stain & Mold trigger as your cleaning detergent.. I just couldn’t believe how amazing this product has done it’s job. I sprayed on basin, toilet bowl, and to tiles that with mold, leave it for 5-10 mins and tadaa.. spray off with water, really no scrubbing needed. Highly recommended!

Never change brand again

Stumble to this product by chance. I just simply spray the entire bathroom, kitchen sink and even any stubborn stain in my house. Leave it for a while and just wipe it or wash it back. No more scrubbing ever!


这个我是用来噴在厕所的 非常非常非常好用 我通常是噴在发黑发霉或者有水印的地方然后静止过几分钟冲一冲黑黑的就会掉了 只是有点小贵 味道不怎么好闻 但是很好用

Rids Mold Effectively

At first whiff, the smell is as strong as it gets. By spraying a few times on the gaps between the bathroom walls and tile floors, you can see the foam slowly seep into the gaps and instantly covering it. I usually leave it for a good 10-15 minutes before The formula removes and wipes out stubborn stains and mould roots. It is suitable for bathroom walls, floor, tile gaps, washing basin, silicone part at shower door, drainage hole, shower curtain and toilet bowl.

Penghapus kulat dan kotoran berkesan

Magiclean stain & mold ini memudahkan kerja membersih dinding dapur, bilik air, lantai, lubang air dan mangkuk tandas. Ia menanggalkan kulat dan kotoran degil dengan menyembur terus pada kawasan yang terlibat dan biarkan sebentar sebelum membilas. Tidak perlu menyental. Mudah dan menjimatkan tenaga.

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