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Tags: MaggiNoodles

A cup full of ‘kaw’ hot sour flavours.

  1. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Tomyam maggi yummy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 23, 2019

    Fuhhh. Really love this maggi. The tomyam taste quite distinct and the savory taste just nice. The aroma is very tantalizing. Whole room smell good tomyam aroma. Empty stomach no more. Easy to prepare and easy to get in market. A cup is just enough to fill my stomach. So yummy.

  2. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Makan time sejuk

    3 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2019

    Walaupun kurang minat dengan maggi perisa tomyam tapi maggi cup tomyam ni sedap makan time sejuk2. Makan panas2 lepas tuang air panas dalam cup dengan perisa2 yg ada. Bau tomyam dia semerbak harum. Untuk lebih pekat kuahnya saya bubuh air kurang sedikit berbanding yang dicadangkan. Maggi dia halus lagi berbanding maggi biasa dalam peket tu.

  3. Amalina Darif
    23 reviews

    Best instant noodle in a cup

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 8, 2017

    Maggi in a cup tastes so much better than the one in pack, maybe it’s in the different kind of noodle that they use, I’m not sure.. MAGGI® HOT CUP Tom Yam Kaw is really one of my favourite and I’m satisfied with the taste of this product. Convenient and great-tasting!

  4. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2017

    我最喜欢maggi tom yam 的口味的,我喜欢放一些在公司的,有时候忙的时候不得空出去吃饭我就会拿这个来吃,又方便又快速的好吃的。

  5. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    My favourite

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2017

    This tomyam very kaw taste. I really like it. It’s spicy and full of flavour. Easy to use, easy to eat. Just pour in water amd wait 3 minutes. Then can eat it. Sometimes when I don’t know what to eat, this maggi will be my choice.

    Really tasty ?

  6. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Kuah tom yam yg kaw

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    Rasa kuah tomyam maggi cup tomyam ni sgt kaw..ditambah dgn ekstrak sayuran..tekstur mi juga kenyal dan lebih halus berbanding maggi tom yam dalam plastik biasa..sgt mudah dibawa dan disediakan,terutama ketika melakukan aktiviti luar..Harganya juga berbaloi utk dibeli dan mudah didapati di kedai2 biasa.

  7. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Tekstur mi yg lebih halus & kuah yg kaw

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 18, 2017

    Sy lebih sukakan maggi tom yam dalam cup berbnding dlm plastik biasa krn tekstur mi nya yg lebih halus & sedap..kuah tom yam juga lebih kaw & ditambah ekstrak sayuran..ia juga mudah dibawa ke mana-mana & cepat utk disediakan..

  8. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 17, 2017

    Tomyam一直是我的最爱!Maggi 的tomyam真的不错吃!

  9. Nur Arina
    812 reviews

    Pilihan saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 3, 2017

    Maggi tomyam merupakan pilihan utama saya.memang sangat sedap. Rasa tomyamnya yang begitu sedap. Manis,masin dan masam semua ada. Mee nya juga sangat lembut dan halus. Saya suka kannya

  10. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    The Kaw Tom Yum Noodle

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2017

    I agree when mention the Tom Yum soup is Kaw. Of course cannot compare with pure Thai Tom Yum. But the Tom Yum Noodle still can give a kick to my taste bud. Feel a bit thirsty if I drink the whole soup.

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