King’s Potong Yam

Product Details

Never underestimate an ice cream’s ability to cheer you up. King’s Potong Yam possesses a subtle but hearty flavour to cheer you up when you’re down and amplify your happiness when you’re up!

  1. Khaliq Khalimi
    61 reviews

    All time favourite!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 12, 2017

    this ice cream remind me on my childhood time!.. i really love this.. my favourite flavour is Yam,Black Glutinous Rice & Durian of course!. not too sweet n just nice to have it on hot weather! 😛

  2. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Ice cream potong keladi yummy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2017

    Masa belek2 peti aiskrim kt hospital ternampak la aiskrim potong keladi ni. Terliur sungguh. Beli 2 perisa keladi 1 perisa durian 1. Perrgghh. Bila makan nikmat dia tak terkata. Lagi2 time tu tengah panas terik dan kebetulan tengah sakit tekak. Mcm dpt ubat. Lega dia sungguh la. Makan time cuaca panas aiskrim ni mmg lain mcm.feeling dia. Dengan rasa creamy lemak.manis keladi mcm tak cukup 1 batang. Aiskrim potong keladi king’s ni sangat best sbb lambat cair. Boleh gigit2 sampai ngilj naik kepala. Sebatang sy beli RM1.50. Dalam range harga yg berpatutan lagi dan setanding kualiti. Terasa keladi sangat. Bau wangi keladi ice cream ni pn sungguh menggoda. Buka plastik mmg da boleh bau. Tak rugi beli. Plastik bungkusan okeh menarik dan senang nk dibuka. Itu yg paling penting. Lepas makan sendawa bau keladi dan rasa lagi keladi aiskrim ni.

  3. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Simply the best variant

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    Yam flavored ice-cream turned into an ice-cream potong? Yes please! What I disliked about conventional yam ice-cream was that it melts super quickly, but with King’s Potong, the taste lasts way longer and gets me addicted to it. This is one ice-cream I can eat over and over and over again, no matter the amount. The sweetness that comes from a yam is so different than that of sweet potatoes, so it is unique. With a vibrant purple color, and an everlasting goodness within, it’s no wonder I keep coming back for more!

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