Kickapoo Original

Product Details

The Original Kickapoo Joy Juice! It’s a unique Citrus Soft Drink with an extra kick of caffeine.Kickapoo’s crisp citrus flavor promises kick in every drop

  1. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews


    2 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2017


  2. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    1family sukakannya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    kickapoo adalah minuman kegemaran saya 1 keluarga,rasanya yg sedap masam dan manis serta baunya yg sedap membuatkan kami semua sukakannya,harga nya juga murah..jika pergi bersantai sudah pasti kickapoo original ni menjadi salah 1 air berkarbonat yg perlu dibawa,we love it !

  3. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Rasa agak Unik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2017

    Rasanya agak unik…sy suka rasa masam citrus dlm air ni..mmg sedap..agak manis tapi masih boleh minum..sedap diminum sejuk,segarkan badan..sesuai dibawa utk aktiviti berkelah…

  4. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Air kegemaran ibu saya

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 30, 2017

    Kickapoo original ni rasanya masam dan manis sedap.
    Ini adalah air kegemaran ibu saya.
    Dia menyukai air ini kerana rasa yang sedap dengan bau yang menarik.

  5. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Minuman kegemaran kami sekeluarga..Dari dulu hingga selamanya..Tiada yang berubah..Love it ?

  6. Sarah
    156 reviews

    My favourite carbonated drink!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 17, 2017

    I am so in love with Kickapoo. It does really gives a kick to me ? Its mild citrus flavour is so refreshing when I drink it cold. Always be my favourite carbonated drink but its quite hard to find this drink if I want to buy it in a small grocery store. Need to buy it at a supermarket.

  7. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Taste good

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017

    I like to drink it since young. The taste is nice and it is cooling my body after I drink the cold Kickapoo. My mom always buy this during Chinese New Year to serve our family and friends.

  8. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 22, 2017

    kids and adult also like it , when CNY my family will buy it give guest and us drink it , i like the taste sweet sweet ~~

  9. Fong Fong
    318 reviews

    Childhhod taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    This soda has a really unique flavor,there’s nothing else like it. A must buy drink during Chinese New Year and the fastest finish drink among others.

  10. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Brings back childhood memories

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2017

    I used to drink lots of Kickapoo when I was a little girl celebrating Chinese New Year. Every single occasion, my dad and relatives will not fail to bring or offer at least a can of this to the kids back then. Now that I’m an adult, I see this product as a childhood remembrance. The taste is still nostalgic and the recipe has not changed which I am thankful as I would like my future kids to try it too. The packaging is also very attractive and nostalgic.

  11. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 9, 2017


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