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Recent review: This was on the pricey side but I thought it would be nice as a treat and I’ve had it for a while now and it’s still basically full I don’t like the smell of it to be honest it…
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Saya memang peminat perfume ini sejak dari sekolah menengah sampai lah ke degree sekarang. Saya banyak terlibat aktiviti dari pagi sehinggalah ke petang dan perfume ini membantu saya untuk kekal wangi tanpa bau busuk. Baunya yang lembut dan wangi membuatkan…
Shahmiza39Recent review: I am really in love with this perfume as I always love smelling good. It actually boost my confidence level up wherever I go wearing this. My friends usually compliment me for smelling good. I'll definatelly recommend this to the…
Chalumathy Jency KaneswaranRecent review: Bau gabungan orkid dan vanilla yang tidak terlalu kuat. Segar dan lebih efektif bila kita berpeluh dan aktif. Tambahan pula dia adalah EDP. Sangat tahan lama. Setiap kali pakai perfume ni pasti orang tegur wangi dan tanya wangian apa
yqammarina54Recent review: I did like this perfume but it was a little strong for my taste. The bottle was beautiful , the scent was a strong sweet scent . This was my first time using this and I probably will not purchase…
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Silkygirl Loving You Eau de toilette is always be my favorite perfume. 50ml just nice for me. The scent smooth and going well with my body. Simple yet valuable for me. The price is very reasonable and easily found in…
BumbleBee34Recent review: I have been buying this for my wife for the last 6 years (we only been married for 5 years) And It is a good price for the amount you have to use and it will last more then 8…
Khaliq KhalimiRecent review: This was my first ever perfume I ever purchased and im still loving it until today. it gives a very refreshing and flowery smell. not too overpowering to me or other people. and the bottle is sturdy too not too…
wudermort59Recent review: Issey should I start with it...this smell is beyond my express of words. You ladies wants a classy smell? You should buy it without hesitation. There’s no need for you to spray all over your body for this baby…