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Recent review: Suka pakai hat nieh nampak girly gitu
NorHanaZielah HanaziRecent review: 我是一个不会化妆也不喜欢打扮的女人!但是我觉得作为一个女人不管在任何场所涂口唇膏最基本的礼仪也是代表着尊重的意思! 自从我用过了一次之后,我就喜欢上它了,它不但可以让我的嘴唇保湿不再干燥到脱皮之外;涂上它后还会有浅浅的自然粉红色!对我来说真的是我的好帮手,我不需要再花时间担心自己涂的口红太深或是太浅没颜色。现在无论我在什么地方,什么时候我只要拿出它在我纯上涂一涂就可以让我很自然有自信了!不需要再花时间对着镜子怕太深或浅了! 一个字形容~[棒]♡
Winnieong52018Recent review: Compact and nice packaging. Nice colour that easy to match also. Easy to wear and carry around. Not drying on lip like other lip gloss
qiwi01Recent review: As soon as these beauties were launched I couldnot wait to get my hand on these. But to my dismay I could get this shade on my local BodyShop counter.. I trust me, i then called each and every shop…
Nor OthmanRecent review: OMG I really really really like the color and how it makes me look so natural. And can make a korean look make up (lips). My everyday go liptint!! Bought already two!! LOVEEEEE IT so much. The packaging. The tools.…
tiqasri78Recent review: Lipbalm ni serius best. Kalau rushing, pakai je lipbalm ni confirm selesa. Sesuai untuk bibir kering macam saya ni. I love it!! Pakai lipbalm ni sejak sekolah lagi.
Nrhanyn67Recent review: The texture is really creamy. It is easy to apply. It offers a varied selection of colours from nude, pink to even red and brown! I love this! I love lining my lips using this. It's awesome! Sometimes, I don't…
shmllslmt40Recent review: I love love love these little egg shaped lip balms from Sephora. They put a beautiful sheer color on your lips and they moisturize at the same time. I always have a few in my bag. Plus, how can you…
Azie LaylaRecent review: I bought it 2 years ago but it has lasted me till 2018. Easy and convenient to use , i just twist and apply - my lips are moisturized and soothed smoothly with it. No dry,chapped lips with this.Its scent…
StaceyHeng32Recent review: Nah, tbh saya tidak boleh membuat keputusan antara Vintage atau Retro dari Silky Girl Matte Junkie menyebabkan kedua-dua baik Jadi saya akhirnya membeli 2 warna yang fave saya !!! 01 Retro dan 04 Vintage !!!! Kedua-duanya berwarna coklat gelap oren…