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Recent review: Bought this approx one month ago. Love the way it evenly distributes your foundation making it look natural.
Nor OthmanRecent review: Have been using these for years for flawless foundation application
Nor OthmanRecent review: I bought this blush for the second time last August, having had my first one a good two years before it ran out. It lasted ages and it's very highly pigmented even after months of use. With a decent facial…
Nor OthmanRecent review: 因為看到它在日本的美妝排行榜上, 一直都是最熱門的商品, 所以我原先只買一個來玩玩看, 結果沒想到真的很好用!!!
Miko TanRecent review: I love this colour look on me. It looks peachy and natural. Use for my everyday makeup and just need to put a small amount of this blush and it already looks good on my cheek. When I want to…
SarahRecent review: Yes, I think this is the best blush I have ever used. The pink colour of the blush is extremely good and it suits best my fair complexion. It is definitely better than maybelline blushes
Nor OthmanRecent review: Susah rasanya untuk mencari bedak muka yang sesuai dengan warna kulit dan jenis kulit wajah saya ini. Kulit wajah saya yang berminyak agak sedikit sukar di kawal oleh mana-mana bedak compact. Melihat pembungkusan Clinelle Oil Free Smoothing Compact Ivory ini…
sabarina37Recent review: Saya membelinya untuk suami saya kerana keadaan kulitnya yang agak berminyak terutama sekali selepas bersukan ataupun selepas habis waktu kerjanya. Selepas menggunakan Biore, kulitnya tidak lagi berminyak, yang ada hanya nampak berseri & bersih.
Nik ZulaikhaRecent review: Melindungi kulit sepanjang hari..Sesuai untuk kulit sensitive..SEgar apabila memakainya
JURAINI CHE ISMAILRecent review: I have been using this pallete for almost one year & still last till now. Just use a little bit only to get a perfect brow. Make my day looks perfect. The color is so natural which is suitable for…