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Recent review: i think is worth the price and for the under eye is a bit hard to use.
Nabila SahimiRecent review: 我一直想买一支好用的睫毛膏,后来找到了这款真的超级好用的! 不会晕染到整个眼睛,太喜欢了!
hyejeong060196Recent review: Really great product. The pencil is nice and light and the eyebrow gel is a nice touch too. My only complaint is that the gel never lasts as long as the pencil.
Aikoaiko25Recent review: I rarely use an eyeliner but I like this brand if I have to put my make up on, it easier and smooth to put on.
mellsmy72Recent review: I loved this superb eyeliner cause it gives the smooth and easy to apply in my eyelid...the colour is darkest and very easy to loved it
Anis89Recent review: Concealers help in giving flawless finish to the eyes but it’s important to choose quality product. Which is why when looking for a concealer maybelline is considered a go to brand. Maybelline has a huge range of concealers and available…
Nadiii56Recent review: 每一次都会趁着打折买几盒,这款蒸汽眼罩特别好,热的很快,40°温度适中,用完眼睛很舒服。平时一整天看电脑玩手机,现在每天临睡前都要贴一贴,给眼睛做一个SPA,很舒服,我也很爱呢。不过价格比起其他品牌会稍微有点贵。 我比较喜欢薰衣草香、洋甘菊……香味不会太浓,有着一股淡淡的清香,闻着特别舒服,使用特别方便携带,打开戴上一会儿双眼就有热乎乎的感觉,温热感持续20分钟左右,双眼得到很好放松,特别舒服,希望能缓解双眼的疲劳和黑眼圈,一直回购!强推!!!
tomorrow_estherRecent review: Yg paling paling sy suka ttg sharpener The Body Shop ni ialah saiznya walaupun besar tapi ia boleh digunakan utk mngasah eyeliner sy yg lebih kecil.Saiznya pun ngam dgn saiz concealer,lip matte & pelbagai saiz lg.Mata bilahnya pun tajam dan…
AieenDeen28Recent review: I would say this mascara does wonders to adding volume and lengthening your lashes. It was easy to apply but and easy to take off with waterproof makeup remover, which a plus for lazy bums like me. However within an…
ulrika89Recent review: Got it in a really cheap price, and it works well! The liquid was long lasting and it really looks good with any eye make up