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Recent review: I just feel so fresh and my irritations problems gone after using this.. very good product...good good good good product pls try this recommend
Praveena SuramdramRecent review: The best moisturising product I have ever use in life , smell sweet and warm , the best produce to use when your skin is so dry , for hand and sole of the feet , if you have the…
yoonwadisoe95Recent review: Kami sekeluarga menggunakan minyak zaiton in I kerana ianya pelbagai guna.. Untuk dijadikan minyak rambut, sesuai untuk melembapkan kulit terutama di bahagian siku dan tumit Saya.. Saya gunakan minyak ini untuk mencuci dikawasan yang sukar dicapai ianya di celah2 telinga…
Iffahizzana9283Recent review: Hope remedies 这个大马年轻自创品牌推出的天然 jojoba oil太令人惊喜!惊喜它的价格和高品质,不得不推荐!不只是适合按摩做Spa, 还可以除黑头!如果是觉得皮肤需要滋润,就可以像我一样,在手背上倒一滴,然后按摩1分钟让皮肤吸收,之后会感觉特别柔滑。
tomorrow_estherRecent review: QV cream is a must to apply on myself and my son because i have dry skin problems and he has sensitive skin problems. And QV Cream comes with variety size which is 100gm, 250gm 500gm and 1000gm.
Canny7920.76Recent review: MOSOFF Natural Mosquito Repellent Cream is formulated with 100% non-toxic natural plant extracts. It is completely safe, even on a delicate baby’s skin and in any case of accidental ingestion. The cream features a 3-in-1 formulation that repels mosquitoes, relieves…
Lysa LimRecent review: JoJo E Stretch Mark Cream is one of the best stretch mark cream I've used during and post pregnancy. I started using this product on my 2nd trimester in hopes it will lessen the possibility of having stretch marks. No…
shaleela9480Recent review: Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Skin Cream is a light and non-greasy daily use cream, that provides all day moisturizing, nourishment and protection to my skin. It is enriched with Aloe vera which nourishes and moisturizes, and Winter cherry and Indian kino…
nurul_zayana8767Recent review: Absorb to skin Smooth .. Can make improval skiness
Ameeraira61Recent review: Love this body shop product! And i have been re-purchasing 3 bottles. Good absorption for dry skin.