Harmony Previa
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Description: Descriptions Cold-milled Halvia. Prebiotic powder. All in one single sachet. The most digestible food ever. Now with an extra boost of fibre and nourishment for your gut. 100% naturally sweetened. Perfect for everyone, including the diabetics! It is our best invention, ever.
Heal Signature Chocolate Protein Shake
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Description: Heal Signature Chocolate + High in Protein, Low in Carbs + Heal is a Protein Brand that ONLY uses Real & Natural Ingredients with NO Added sugar + chemical addictives, + flavourings. It packs with 20g of protein on ONE…
Fitwell DHA Brewer’s Yeast Organic Soybean Powder
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Description: Descriptions DHA Brewer’s Yeast Organic Soybean Powder enriched with DHA, lecithin, brewer’s yeast and FOS provides you with plentiful of nutrients including essential fatty acid, amino acids, choline, vitamin B complex and prebiotic to meet daily nutrients requirement easily. It…
Harmony Prebiotic
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Description: Descriptions Harmony® Prebiotic is ten times more effective than FOS! Classified as super safe by FOSHU, FDA-GRAS and EFSA. Supplements your diet with highly potent food for the friendly bacteria in your body. Contaminant and pathogen free.