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Recent review: Ahmad Tea Cardamom tea is essentially black tea infused with cardamom. As” The Most Exclusive Tea”, it does carry the name well. Each infused tea bag has a dark appearance, and has a stronger notes of caffeine and flavor with…
fionayyl03Recent review: although this is very expensive but it is really a good tea.
leekahseng12Recent review: minuman ini memang sedap sangat. ini jus oren tak tambah dengan gula. sangat baik untuk kesihatan. ada lagi vitamin c yang penting untuk mengekalkan kesihatam kita.suggest beli.lebih baik daripada minuman jus oren lain yang tambah dengan banyak gula
lavenderting76Recent review: 这是一个很多营养和好处的豆奶粉。我是一个骨骼很差的人,时常扭到和骨头痛。自从我每天早上起来喝了这个Bonlife有机大豆高钙豆奶粉后,我的症状就渐渐消失了,而且身体越来越健康。
晓东 杨Recent review: For a fruit drink, the ratio between sugar and juice should at least be 3:1. This drink contains more sugar than pomegranate juice. I did not like it even after diluting it with ice cubes and water. It was a…
fionayyl03Recent review: My second favorite tea from Twinings after their Earl Grey selection. Darjeeling tea is very thin-bodied and light in colour. What makes the Twinings Darjeeling so special is because it has a sweet floral aroma to it compared to others…
Rebecca KoayRecent review: This tea is so refreshing to drink, and its flavour is wonderful. And another best thing is that the tea is not too sweet, yet it still gives a good taste, unlike the other “tea” brands that only gives you…
Yc HereRecent review: NUTREN® 1.5 is a nutritionally complete tube feeding formula for those with increased calorie needs or restricted fluid requirements.
FARA34Recent review: Belum pernah menggunakan Anchor UHT Milk Blue Full Cream. Akan menggunakan jika ada dijual di pasaran.
FARA34Recent review: 这个新推出的Pokka Ice Blueberry Tea我第一次买来尝试的结果不是那么的适合我的不是我喜欢的味道的感觉他的香精的味道很重的感觉喝多了很不健康的。