Carrie Bac Buster comes in Super Body Wash as well as Super Hand wash to keep kids protected from harmful bacteria for up to 6 hours. It is alcohol free, soap free and paraben free.


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perlindungan bacteria

Carrie Bac Buster dapat berikan perlindungan kepada my kid especially time mereka sedang membesar sangat aktif dan kerap bermain diluar rumah... Carrie Bac Buster perlindungan dari bacteria agar budak2 kekal sihat dan tidak mudah terkena penyakit berjangkit , lebih lagi penyakit tangan, kaki dan mulut... texture pekat dan wangi, kids boleh enjoy bermain sambil mandi... ade variant strawberry and blueberry... sangat wangi dan manis baunya...

Super Bodywash and Antibacterial

"Fun for every child is limit to his or her imagination. CARRIE Bac Buster educates children on how to combat harmful bacteria by allowing children to stretch their imagination. Through imagination, children visualises harmful bacteria as 'evil monsters'. The use of CARRIE Bac Buster empowers them to take on the role as Captain Bac Buster in getting rid of the 'evil monsters' which is the harmful bacteria".

The CARRIE Bac Buster Antibacterial Super Bodywash and Antibacterial Super Handwash range is interestingly packed in bottles which resemble a superhero's spaceship and space gun. CARRIE Bac Buster is also available in fruity variants of Blasting Blueberry and Smashing Strawberry.

my son using this

my eldest son in primary school and has school activities. He says using this is good as they go for sports activities and also scout. He likes the smell of this product and he says he feels fresh and clean after using it as this has protect him from harmful bacteria.

Carrie bac buster pilihan saya

Pertama kali cuba Carrie Bac Buster ini. Memang sangat luarbiasa. Bau yang sangat harum dan berbuih dngan banyak walaupun penggunaan yang sedikit. Anak-anak juga tidak risau lagi untuk mandi kerana Carrie Bac Buster ini tidak memedihkan mata mereka dan mampu menjadi teman ketika mandi. Terima kasih Carrie Bac Buster


my boy smell very fresh all the day

Pilihan terbaik

Carrie bac buster mempunyai haruman yg menyegarkan. Anak pun suka kan ny


Carrie Bac Buster merupakan pilihan anak lelaki saya.Bukan sahaja tertarik dengan design botol tetapi mandian ini amat sesuai dengan anak saya.

terbukti secara klinikal adalah selamat dan sesuai untuk kulit sensitif anak-anak serta melindungi diri dari bakteria berbahaya

terbukti secara klinikal adalah selamat dan sesuai untuk kulit sensitif anak-anak serta melindungi diri dari bakteria berbahaya

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