Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer

Product Details

A trusted quality throughout generations, Cap Junjung has become a part of every family. It is the best creamer to make your cup of coffee and tea deliciously creamy. You can also use it to whip up simply delightful desserts for your family.

  1. AkuHudHud27
    159 reviews

    Terbaik lah

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2022

    Jarang jarang dapat rasa susu Cap Junjung. Barang rare harga pun boleh tahan. Susu Cap Junjung ni memang terbaik lah lagi- lagi kalau buat air bersusu. Teh susu, kopi susu terangkat punya lah. Bila cari kat supermarket memang payah nk jumpa. Beli online je cuma risiko tin kemik. Bahaya jgk tin kemik. Susu cap junjung ni kena tebuk manual.

  2. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Susu pekat turun temurun...

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 13, 2019

    Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer sesuai untuk dibuat minuman , manisan dan kek juga biskut.. Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer adalah susu pekat yang digunakan sejak dari zaman nenek saya lagi…kini saya masih menggunakan Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer kerana rasa yang sedap dan mampu sempurnakan rasa hidangan minum teh tarik yang saya hasilkan…

  3. Azie Layla
    105 reviews

    Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer, susu tradisi keluarga saya sejak tahun 80-an. Ibu saya gemar menggunakan susu jenama ini untuk membuat air Teh, Sirap Bandung, Milo, Kuih Muih dan pemanis sampingan untuk pencuci mulut.

    Rasanya yang manis dan berlemak sangat menepati citarasa keluarga saya.

  4. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Susu cap junjung legend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 14, 2017

    Susahnya la nak dapatkan susu ni di pasaran. Mmg terbaik buat teh,kopi dan milo menggunakan susu cap junjung ni. Kecik2 dulu arwah nenek mmg gunakan susu ni. Mak saya pn. Cuma sekarang payah nk jumpa dkt pasaran. Kalau jumpa tu mmg beli terus. Rasa dan aroma dia lain mcm. Susu legend la katakan. Selalu nk jumpa kena masuk kedai2 dkt kampung. Unik susu legend ni. Terbaik.

  5. HaizanRaz
    112 reviews

    Susu cap junjung

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Susu cap junjung sudah dikenali ramai sejak zaman dahulu lagi..Ianya lemak berkrim dan pekat..Hanya gunakan sedikit sahaja di dalam minuman kerana ianya terlalu manis..Menjimatkan kerana setin boleh digunakan banyak kali..Jenama yang banyak digunakan di kedai2 makan..

  6. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    so miss this brand Cap Junjung Sweetened Creamer

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    long time ago my mother before always buy this and use this make a milo , oat milk to me drink it before i go my school. now this brand hard to find again at the supermarket.

  7. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Terbaik sejak dulu

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Susu cap junjung ni memang suau legend.
    Sejak saya kecil lagi memang keluarga saya suka susu ni.
    Susu nya pekat dan rasa sedap.
    Memang kegemaran dari dulu dan selamanya.

  8. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    The best ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 24, 2017

    Wowww!!! This condensed milk is the best ever i have tried from my childhood era. A little bit pricey. Rarely found in market. But when i see it a must buy thing. Suitable in baking, drinks and eating with bread.

  9. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Mom’s favourite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2017

    My mother always used this brand for all her baking and cooking needs as it delivers superb quality that outdoes its competitors. I like how our Milo drinks would always turn out so sweet and creamy that we can’t help but to request for her to make us a second or sometimes third cup for all of my siblings. The creamer is slightly more liquid compared to the other brands of creamer. It’s been my family’s favourite and still is.

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