BON TigrusMune
BON TigrusMune

BON TigrusMune

Product Details

Bon TigrusMune, a synergy of two natural and powerful immune booster ingredients which are Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune ® Baker’s Yeast Extract. A 2-in-1 combination with unique benefit in relief of cough and cold.

Tiger Milk Mushroom

It is hailed as a National Treasure of Malaysia, it is a highly regarded medicinal mushroom with more than 400 years of use in the country. It has traditionally been used to relieve cough, cold, asthma, and other respiratory symptoms.

The safety and efficacy of Tiger Milk Mushroom have been substantiated by multiple scientific research papers.


Tiger Milk Mushroom has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it accelerates the healing of inflamed tissues and protects the respiratory system tissues from persistent inflammation, hence improving respiratory functions.


Tiger Milk Mushroom possesses immuno-modulating properties that stimulate and modulate many immune functions.


is a natural beta 1,3/ 1,6 glucan clinically proven to safely strengthen and balance immune responses to help keep the body healthy.


Activates immune function by enhancing the body’s immune cells and neutrophils without overstimulation. There is promising evidence supporting the claim that beta-glucan can regulate and boost the human immune system. A healthy immune system can counteract sources of stress in your body, including pathogens that can make you sick. Beta-glucan can help optimize your immune system’s ability to fight disease.


Each veggie capsule contains:
– 250mg of Tiger Milk Mushroom(Sclerotia Lignosus Rhinocerus) and
– 230mg of Wellmune® Baker’s Yeast Extract.


TigrusMune Capsule x 10’s cap.
TigrusMune Capsule x 30’s cap.




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  1. Dyg Zulhaila
    1 reviews

    TigrusMune Capsule

    3 out of 5, reviewed on March 1, 2021

    Ok sesuai untuk seisi keluarga ubat ni

  2. Chin Yau Yen
    1 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 1, 2021

    It is very useful to me as for relief cough and cold.

  3. Wendy Ong
    2 reviews

    Bon Tigrusmune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2021

    BON® TigrusMune™可说是二合一免疫系统增强剂,结合了两种强效成分的优势:虎乳芝和 Wellmune β葡聚糖。 ?
    小儿子吃了Bon Tigrusmune之后,咳嗽明显地改善很多,过后就不再咳了,同时还可增强免疫力,改善上呼吸道健康。

  4. Wendy Ong
    2 reviews

    BON® TigrusMune™

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2021

    谢谢 健康时尚 Good Health BON Tigrusmune 和 100Comments 送出的奖品: 价值 RM59 的BON® TigrusMune™ ?

    BON® TigrusMune™可说是二合一免疫系统增强剂,结合了两种强效成分的优势:虎乳芝和 Wellmune β葡聚糖。 ?
    小儿子吃了Bon Tigrusmune之后,咳嗽明显地改善很多,过后就不再咳了,同时还可增强免疫力,改善上呼吸道健康。

  5. Kacy Law
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2021

    Thanks 100Comments Give a gift❤️
    BON® TigrusMune™ capsules contains 2 active ingredients each having its unique health benefits in the relief of cough and cold symptoms associated with such conditions as acute cough & cold episodes, allergy, asthma etc.
    The 2 active ingredients, Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune® Baker’s Yeast Extract Beta-Glucan 1,3/1,6 act synergistically to boost the immune system of the body to defend the attacks of the common cough and colds.
    I have a chance to try??

  6. sujeng36
    5 reviews

    Bon TigrusMune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 4, 2021

    Before I knew Bon TigrusMune, my immune system was always weak and I often had a cough problem! After trying Bon TigrusMune, the effect is very good. It strengthened my immune system and solved my coughing problem.

  7. Bee Hong Tan
    3 reviews

    BON TigrusMune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 4, 2021

    My perfect choice to relieve cough and keep my body healthy.

  8. Eunice Eunice
    31 reviews

    Tigrus Muse™️ capsule

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 23, 2021

    It is a highly regarded medical ? with more than 400 years of use in the country. Last week I getting cough and cool after taken this capsules speedy recovery within 3 days. Last time take a long time to recover

  9. Hong SP
    19 reviews

    The Best BON TigrusMune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 23, 2021

    I have cough problem since last year and it seems my coughing is getting worst. This Bon TigrusMune is very good and helps to relief my cough. It have been boost up my immune system and make me more energetic. Definitely will recommend to my family’s members and Friends! ?????

  10. Linda Liong
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2021

    This TigrusMune™ Capsule really helps to relief my cough when I\’m fall sick last week. After consume few days, I\’m feeling so much better. Will definitely recommend this to my friends and family.

  11. prettypink
    28 reviews

    Alleviate colds and boosts immunity

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2021

    My body easily catches cold, especially when lack of rest or weather changes (sudden hot or cold). Recently my sinus issue resurfaced and I tried taking one capsule of Bon TigrusMune after meal. Felt the difference after a few days. It contains Tiger Milk Mushroom which has proven anti-inflammatory properties that eventually can boost immunity level. Recommend to try only when feeling unwell.

  12. Norsabariah85
    140 reviews

    Ubat tradisional yang dimodenkan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2021

    Disebabkan sekarang musim sejuk, suami saya mudah diserang selesema. Suasana tempat kerja juga berhabuk menyebabkan beliau batuk. Hari pertama beliau mencuba Bon TigrusMune, tekak terasa loya. Hari kedua mencuba lagi.
    Hari ketiga, selesema & batuk beransur kurang.
    Kaedah perubatan tradisional yang dimodenkan ini sangat baik berbanding ubatan sintetik. Saya syorkan pada semua.

  13. Jeannietoh90
    36 reviews

    Effective in Treating Cold

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2021

    I get cold easily especially after I swim session. During the year end I went to a private villa with pool and get wet under the rain. Start to sneeze often and I know I’m getting flu soon. I consume BON TigrusMune after back to home, and continuous for 2 days. To me surprise, it stops and heals my flu! No mucus and no flu. I could say it stops and prevents early stage of cold. Well recommended to my family and will definitely stock this up

  14. Maggie MG
    30 reviews

    Excellent relief of common cold

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2021

    I always get common cold especially during this monsoon season due to the cold and wet weather, sometimes it will cause nasal congestion, coughing, a sore throat, and fatigue. This is my first try on BON ®TigrusMune™ and this time after took it for just 3 days, I noticed it really works to stop the symptoms of common cold. I believe this is the recommended tradition treatment for relief the cough and cold as it is made from premium natural ingredients. The benefits of Tiger Milk Mushroom and Baker’s Yeast Extract are well-known in medication. Highly recommended.

  15. Fak3010
    19 reviews

    Quite Beneficial and effective!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2021

    I get cold very easily and also get problems after having food. But trying the Tigrusmune has helped me with both the problems and seems to be very effective at its work. My system has worked well and I guess the ingredients have made sure that my immunity is boosted throughout the time.

  16. Ai Fen
    37 reviews

    Cough and cold Relieve saver

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2021

    I easier gets cold and cough when the weather changes. I wanted to try something that is traditionally used and effective to cure these problem of mine. Until I’ve found Tigrus Mune capsules, these really helps me a lot. It contains Tiger Milk Mushroom which has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it accelerates the healing of inflamed tissues and protects the respiratory system tissues from persistent inflammation, hence improving respiratory functions. It is able to boost my Immune System.

  17. Ilakhalisya8987
    53 reviews

    Rawatan terbaik melegakan batuk dan selesema

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2021

    Setelah mencuba BON TigrusMune, Alhamdulillah masalah selesema dan batuk2 saya semakin baik. Ianya sangat selamat kerana ianya menggunakan bahan-bahan alami yang selamat untuk di ambil. Selain melegakan masalah batuk dan selesema , ianya juga mampu meningkatka sistem imunisasi badan. Semua tahu akan kebaikan Cendawan Susu Harimau, sangat bagus untuk tubuh badan, membantu masalah keradangan, membantu proses oenyembuhan dengan cepat. Sangat mengesyorkan untuk anda mencubanya.. ???

  18. babychery9293
    9 reviews

    BON ® TigrusMune™

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2021

    咳嗽最可怕的事就是无法好好入睡,还会吵到枕边人,而且咳到喉咙都沙了!我就因为喉咙痛而开始咳嗽到无法入睡!好在TigrusMune有效增强和滋润我的肺部,得以增强我的免疫力使我更快改善我的咳嗽问题!就服用5天,可以明显感觉到咳嗽自己渐渐消失。谢谢BON ® TigrusMune™

  19. Kgyeo25
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 8, 2021

    This is my first try of tigrusmune! I never expect this is so effective after taking my 6/7 pill on daily, as its really help to relief cough and make me more energetic! Its sutaible for adult and child, and you wish to boost your immune system pls do try it out!

  20. Violin18
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 5, 2021

    Tiger Milk Mushroom has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it accelerates the healing of inflamed tissues and protects the respiratory system tissues from persistent inflammation, hence improving respiratory functions.So it is good for old fork.

  21. owengtang59
    120 reviews

    Relieve my cold!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 5, 2021

    Many studies clinically proven Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune can effectively relieve cough and cold with no side effects. This BON TigrusMune Capsule consists these two ingredients and can get the benefits with easy way!

    I having some cold and feel better after consumed it, really powerful!

  22. Chunyong
    6 reviews

    TigrusMune Capsule

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 5, 2021

    The natural ingredient suitable for relieving cough and cold. It helps to improve the body immune system, is good for children and adult too.
    Traditionally, the Tiger milk mushrooms have been used for more than 400 years as a health tonic by the aborigines or native for its healing properties on more than 15 types of medical ailments, including; treatment of lung and respiratory diseases (including asthma, cough), fever, vomit, breast cancer, chronic hepatitis, gastric ulcer, food poisoning. It\’s also believed to help with wound healing and indigestion.

  23. rosemarywong12354
    12 reviews

    first try on tigrusmune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 4, 2021

    I have respiratory allergy and sinus which make me prompt to cold especially during cold and raining season in December. This is my first time trying Tigrusmune. Surprisingly, it actually helps to stabilize my condition that so far I didn’t get cold or running nose and not even sinus. So, personally to me, it works effectively and helps to relieve my sickness. Definitely will recommend this to my other friends and family.

  24. wawaain9595
    2 reviews

    Bon TigrusMune bagus!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 4, 2021

    Saya dah mencuba Bon TigrusMune dalam bentuk kapsul, ianya berkesan untuk menghilangkan batuk, selesema, asma dan gejala penafasan lain. Ia juga dapat meningkatkan sistem imun badan dengan bahan utama Tiger Milk Mushroom dan Baker’s Yeast Extract.

  25. Rosmanira Abdullah
    7 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 4, 2021

    Bon ® TigrusMune is a supplement to bring relief for the common cough and cold symptons.It is safe because it use the natural ingredients which are Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune Baker’s Yeast.It is recommended to take one capsule a day after a meal or as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.

  26. AmberShum74
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 2, 2021


  27. chanhoiyee36
    77 reviews

    Cure your sore throat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 31, 2020

    Many clinical studies have supported the health benefits of Wellmune® in the prevention and treatment of coughs & colds that were associated with cases in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) and allergy especially on the elderly and athletes.

  28. Pinky Chinchin
    10 reviews

    BON ® TigrusMune™ 2-in-1 immune booster

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 31, 2020

    BON ® TigrusMune™ is a 2-in-1 immune booster that combines the benefits of two powerful.
    Ingredients: Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune Baker\’s Yeast Extract.
    It is a highly regarded medicinal mushroom with more than 400 years of use in the country. It has traditionally been used to relieve chronic cough, cold, asthma, wheezing and other respiratory symptoms.
    This is help my relief of cough and cold. I am feeling more better.

  29. YWKONG97
    1 reviews

    Cure your sore throat

    3 out of 5, reviewed on December 30, 2020

    Suit for people who have cough, my sister try it , and it really solve her sore throat. But when you are really sick then only can take it. Don’t simply take it for no reason, otherwise your body can’t handle the effect. Read the instruction and the information of this medicine before you consume ya. Anyway, it tastes like normal medicine, bitter, but it helps you up when you really sick. So I give 3 stars , because it depends on the patient’s situation. It did cure my sister, but not sure how others think. That’s all my comment, Thank you 100Comments and TigrusMune.

  30. serenewm27
    1 reviews

    BON Tigrusmune

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 30, 2020


    47 reviews

    BON ® TigrusMune™

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 30, 2020

    BON ® TigrusMune™ is a 2-in-1 immune booster that combines the benefits of two powerful ingredients: Tiger Milk Mushroom and Wellmune Baker’s Yeast Extract.

    It is hailed as a National Treasure of Malaysia, it is a highly regarded medicinal mushroom with more than 400 years of use in the country. It has traditionally been used to relieve chronic cough, cold, asthma, wheezing and other respiratory symptoms.
    The safety and efficacy of Tiger Milk Mushroom have been substantiated by multiple scientific research papers.

    Tiger Milk Mushroom has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it accelerates the healing of inflamed tissues and protects the respiratory system tissues from persistent inflammation, hence improving respiratory functions.

    Activates immune function by enhancing the body’s immune cells and neutrophils without over stimulation. There is promising evidence supporting the claim that beta glucan can regulate and boost the human immune system. A healthy immune system can counteract sources of stress in your body, including pathogens that can make you sick. Beta glucan can help optimize your immune system’s ability to fight disease.

  32. moycmchen63
    1 reviews

    TigrusMune Capsule

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 30, 2020

    My perfect choice to relieve cough and also to keep my body healthy.

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