Sihat semasa hamil: Apa vitamin penting ibu perlu ambil semasa mengandung?
Tiada rahsia lagi, setiap apa yang ibu makan akan disalurkan kepada bayi dalam kandungan. Pastikan tubuh anda mendapat nutrien dan vitamin yang diperlukan untuk tubuh ibu dan bayi. Kekurangan nutrien boleh menyebabkan tumbesaran bayi anda terjejas! Pemberian makanan bernutrisi…
Combi Baby Label Training Chopstick Set Contest
REVIEWERS WANTED for Combi Baby Label Training Chopstick Set. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
THREE New Base Makeup Breathes Life To Uninspiring Skin
THREE, a renowned Japanese skin care brand, launched their new base makeup today. Combining the power of both nature and technology to result in the blossoming of bare, angelic skin, Three’s’ primer, foundation and stick concealer promise to rock your makeup…
Contest Reviewers Announcement (17 – 24 May)
Congratulations to all the reviewers for Combi Nail Scissors, Percy Pup Activity Spiral, Minipod Mitten, bootee & bonnet set and BabyOrganix Top to Toe Cleansers! Kindly email your details as mentioned below to receive further instructions and delivery of…
Win a 4D/3N Luxury Beach Family Holiday with Club Med Worth RM7,000! and Club Med are giving our readers the chance to win Luxury Beach Family Holiday with Club Med. The Grand Prize x 1 An all-inclusive 4D/3N stay at Club Med Cherating for 2 adults and 1 child under 12 years…
Sensodyne Repair & Protect Contest
15 GUARANTEED REVIEWERS WANTED for Sensodyne Repair & Protect. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
Tips Kekal Bertenaga di Bulan Ramadan
Masuk sahaja bulan puasa, ramai yang mengadu lemah badan, tidak bertenaga dan mengantuk sepanjang hari berpuasa. Hal ini terjadi kerana amalan pemakanan yang salah semasa bersahur dan berbuka. Cuba semak kembali apa rutin diet anda sepanjang bulan puasa. Dari sudut sains,…
Managing Constipation the “Gentle is Good” Way
Abbott is launching the ‘Gentle is Good’ campaign in Malaysia to improve awareness and combat constipation, a condition that is often overlooked. The initiative aims to encourage people in Malaysia to change attitudes and behaviours that lead to constipation and…
Thursday Plantation Rosehip Oil Giveaway
Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
Bausch + Lomb Biotrue Solution Contest
Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!