Ajar Bayi Membaca
Tentu anda tertanya-tanya mengapa perlu memulakan pembacaan awal kepada bayi. ‘Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya’, peribahasa ini sudah cukup kuat untuk menunjukkan bahawa jika anda ingin menerap sesuatu amalan ataupun mengajar anak anda tentang sesuatu perkara, perlulah dimulakan dari awal.…
There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. Thus, if you cut back or work off just 3,500 calories, you will lose an entire pound of fat. While it is possible to cut back on your calorie intake and…
White Factor Disinfectant Spray Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”74449″] White Factor Antibacterial Disinfectant Spray is a pediatrician recommended disinfectant spray, as it is powerful yet extremely safe to be used around babies and children. This is your chance to win it! How To Win: 1)…
Nurturing Young Minds at Kids Academy
At Kids Academy, your children will look forward to coming to school everyday!
Anmum Lacta Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”74449″] Anmum Lacta is formulated to replenish maternal stores during the post-natal period. This is your chance to win it! How To Win: 1) Like our Facebook page and share this post with 5 friends. 2) Subscribe to our YouTube and Instagram pages.…
In Transit: Exercises you can do while travelling
Vacations are nice but often they involve long rides in the car, bus, train or plane; which means we are seated for long periods of time. If you are travelling by road, you could always stop the vehicle and take…
Medical Insurance: Minor Differences Make Major Impact!
Are all medical insurance policies the same? Do small differences equal to no difference? Actually, in a medical insurance, minor differences can have major impact! Nowadays medical insurance has become the most important insurance product regardless if you are rich…
Johnson’s Baby Products Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”73360″] Johnson’s Baby Products are the family’s trusted choice for years. This is your chance to win four of their products! Johnson’s Top-to-Toe Baby Wash x 2 JOHNSON’S® baby top-to-toe wash is the best for your newborn.…
Fight against iron deficiency anaemia
Anaemia is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiency disorders in the world. Globally, the World Health Organization estimated that over 30% of the world’s population (totaling more than 2 billion individuals suffers from anaemia, with the disease being most…
Your Liver is for Life
Hepatitis simply means “inflammation of the liver” (the suffix “itis” means inflammation and “hepa” means liver). Hepatitis B is a specific type of hepatitis that is caused by a virus. There are many other hepatitis viruses such Hepatitis A, Hepatitis…