Be a Wogger!
Start your day on the right footing with wogging – a breakthrough workout to achieve your fitness goals fast. We crawl before we learn to walk. We wog before we learn to run. Wog? That’s right, W-O-G. Wogging is a…
Atasi Masalah Hubungan Seks
Apakah sistem reproduktif wanita? Sistem reproduktif wanita adalah penting bagi seseorang wanita agar ianya dapat hamil dan melahirkan anak. Ianya terdiri daripada dua bahagian: a. Bahagian luar b. Bahagian dalam Apakah bahagian luar reproduktif wanita? Ianya terdiri daripada beberapa struktur…
Weight Loss: An Alternative Way Forward
Overweight or obesity means having an excessively high proportion of body fat. Most health professionals use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) to classify an adult weight as healthy, overweight, obese or extremely obese. You can calculate BMI by…
Novalac Grow Milk Formula Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”84472″] Novalac Growing Up Milk is a growing-up formula that has been specially developed by Novalac in order to take over from milk formulae in your baby’s diet as of 1 year old. The Novalac grow…
The Biggest Fitness Trends of 2016
Surprising as it may (or may not be) to you, it seems that for the next year the first place in health and workout goes to wearable technology. Study author Walter R. Thompson, PhD says that these results are not…
6 Easy Exercises for a Tight Tummy
The Routine Sure, a more toned midsection can ease your bathing-suit anxiety. But it can also protect you from injury: Research shows that a strong transversus abdominis—the muscle that wraps around the torso—stabilizes your back, which makes it easier to…
When Cadbury Dairy Milk Meets Oreo
Ever wondered what Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo would taste like together? Mondelēz Malaysia, a part of global snacking powerhouse, Mondelēz International (Mondelēz), has just the answer to that through the launch of its Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo – another…
Get Beautiful Naturally With Naturals By Watsons
Naturals by Watsons has been refreshed and updated to make them even better for you!
10 Tips to Lose Weight
1. Be aware of what drives you This means to always keep in mind the reasons why you want to make these changes in your life and to be very convinced and certain about them, too. By doing this, “you’re…
Look Younger with Collagen Production
You might not know what it is, but collagen production is key when it comes to keeping your skin looking young, plump and wrinkle-free. Collagen is a protein produced by our cells that helps “hold” the skin together, keeping it…