Penjagaan Rambut Si Kecil
Cuci rambut? Jangan terlalu kerap Kulit kepala bayi yang berusia di bawah enam bulan kurang menghasilkan minyak, jadi anda tidak digalakkan untuk menyampu rambut bayi lebih daripada dua kali seminggu. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila bayi semakin membesar dan semakin lasak, anda…
Fahami Bahasa Bayi
Berikut merupakan panduan yang boleh anda ikuti bagi mengenali dan memahami bahasa si manja. Walau bagaimanapun, anda perlu ingat bahawa setiap bayi mempunyai bahasa dan gaya yang berbeza, justeru anda mungkin akan mengalami situasi yang berlainan untuk setiap bayi anda.…
Build A Safety Gate For Baby With Only RM 30
As parents, have you encountered a problem where your baby moving around the house and climbing staircase or reaching for sharp tools in the kitchen? You can’t let them play alone and do house chores because the possibility for them to…
Galakkan Anak Bermain
Sediakan peluang bermain Secara semula jadinya, kanak-kanak memang gemar bermain. Malah, melalui bermainlah cara untuk mereka belajar. Jadi, kini anda sudah tahu bagaimana si kecil anda belajar tentang sesuatu bukan? Bersabar, Mama! Biarkan si manja bermain sambil belajar dengan cara…
Good Stroller Etiquette
A stroller is an absolute necessity if you tend to walk about a lot with your little one. Still, being a mom with a stroller does not equate to having to hog the sidewalk or knock into people at the…
Home Safety Equipment
Our home is a haven in which we spend precious time with our families. It is also where we keep all our possessions, big and small. When it comes to the safety of a child at home, it’s actually quite…
Toddler Tales: The Joys of Parenting
Parenting is one of those things in life that cannot be explained, for it has to be experienced to be understood. It’s an exceptionally rewarding experience for sure, but still, never let it be said that parenting is always easy,…
Ask Our Experts: Pregnancy and Sick Children
}What can a pregnant mom do to ensure that the products she uses on herself does not adversely affect the wellbeing of her unborn child, and are there any precautions she should take in shopping for skincare for future use…
Ask the Experts: Why should you detox
Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. While not scientifically proven to remove any toxins from the human body, many people claim feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox. Are their claims…
Nipple Discomforts: Causes and Solutions
While breastfeeding moms rest assured that they have made the best decision in breastfeeding their offspring, they may also have to cope with some challenges while doing so. One common issue among breastfeeding moms happens to be sore nipples. In…