Making Your Home a Safe Haven for Your Baby
While parents worry endlessly about how to protect their children from sickness, abduction and violence, many overlook one of the biggest threats to their children’s safety and well-being – a dangerous home Infants don’t remain infants for long. Eventually, they…
Omega 3 for a Healthier Pregnancy
Omega-3s are a family of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health and development and should be taken seriously for a healthier pregnancy. Unfortunately, these are not synthesized by the human body and therefore must be obtained…
Early Nutrition for Healthy Young Bodies
After about six months of milk diet, your baby would have started on solid food consisting of pureed fruits, vegetables and cereals before progressing to meat and fish. As a caring mom, surely, nothing would please you more than to…
Ask Our Experts: Clingy and Hygiene
My clingy lil’ thing }My second child is going to be three this December and for most of his 30 months, he has been an extremely cranky and clingy little boy, compared to his five year old brother who is…
Breast Cancer: Can You Protect Yourself?
Breast cancer is such a scary word. It would help a great deal if more women understood that despite factors such as a family history of cancer, there are steps that can be taken to lower one’s own risk of…
Dental Care During Pregnancy
You might not think much of dental care when you’re pregnant, but do be informed that pregnancy may cause hormonal changes that increase the risk of developing gum disease which, in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby.…
Good Beginnings for Better Futures
Children start learning even when they’re still in their mother’s womb. Early childhood is the most rapid period of learning and growth in a human life. What happens in this period can have life-long consequences. A positive start promotes the…
Baby Grooming Guide: Caring for Delicate Hair and Skin
In this issue, we look into the very basic of skin and hair care. While we know that there are a myriad of baby care products available in the market today, knowing how to use them and how much to…
5 Simple Tips to Prevent Excessive Hair Loss
It is only natural that as we age, we often lose our hair. Even though it is usually men who lose hair, it is also possible for women to go bald. So, let’s discuss some hair loss strengthening methods that…
The Osaka Chronicles: A Parent’s Perspective
As far as first impressions go, the place looked like any other. The airport was overlooking the sea so that gave a scenic appeal to it. However apart from that, everything else, such as the roads, the shuttle buses, the…