Instilling the Love of Reading in Babies
You are not alone if your initial response to the title of this article is one of skepticism, for it inevitably points to the whole theory of babies being able to read. It’s not a very common opinion that teaching…
Green Goodness
Spinach is a a dark green leafy vegetable that is packed full of nutrition needed during pregnancy. It is a truly versatile ingredient too, and can be incorporated into just about any dish. Rich in iron, folate and other important…
6 Signs of Labour You Should Not Ignore
For most pregnant mums, as exciting and gratifying a pregnancy feels, somewhere around the third trimester, either anxiousness or impatience might begin to set in. Yes, it’s no joke carrying around a little bundle inside your womb for months! As…
Teaching Your Little One About Hygiene
Little kids seem to have the knack of getting dirty in any given situation, even in their sleep! Sooner or later, the time will have to come, when parents have to teach their toddlers about cleanliness and personal hygiene so…
Cooking Light, Cooking Right
Every one aims to have a fit body, which enables them to enjoy all the good aspects of life. But the highest demand of a healthy body is eating nourishing foods, to benefit the whole body system. Now is the…
Is Your Home Air Quality Safe?
If you are a parent of an asthmatic child, you probably would have taken every relevant step known of to prevent flare-ups. Chances are too, that one of steps is to make an effort to keep the air quality of…
Your Pregnancy Health Plan
Pregnancy is actually an ideal time to make long-term changes to your diet. This is because you are embarking on the job of providing the best nutrition for your unborn baby via your body and beyond that, you are also…
Caring for an Episiotomy
An episiotomy is a surgery performed to prevent tearing of the vagina and perineum during childbirth. In this surgery, an incision is made in the perineum to increase its size. It is estimated that about 40% or more of women…
The Benefits of Milk
We were always told as kids that milk is good for us. While some of us took to milk easily, some of us defiantly refused to have anything to do with it, especially when we weaned off the bottle! Here,…
Shopping with a Toddler
It’s quite a feat to attempt shopping with an impatient yet inquisitive toddler, especially if the little bub has the attention span of zero. There you are, wanting to fill up your shopping cart and look around for stuff and…