Esther Postpartum Care
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Description: A luxurious, well-deserved oasis for women following the life-changing experience that is childbirth, Esther Postpartum Care provides the best postnatal care and services for Malaysian moms, served with warm Taiwanese hospitality and expertise through the vision of founder Katrina Loh,…
Cocoon Postpartum Care
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Description: Cocoon Postpartum Care Centre is the first step in ensuring both Mommy and Baby have the best possible recovery and growth during this crucial postpartum period. Bringing a bundle of joy into the world is no easy task and as…
BabyMom Confinement Home
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Description: Tucked in the heart of a serene residential enclave in Ipoh, BabyMom Confinement Home is the ideal place for new mothers looking for a comfortable and conducive place to recover after childbirth. Founded by a mother of three who has…
Precious One Confinement Centre
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Description: 生育宝宝对妈妈来说是一件“人生大事”,坐月子则是产后恢复的“头等大事“。在这个重要的月子时刻,恩宠产后护理月子中心(Precious One Confinement Centre)提供全东马第一家中西合璧的坐月子服务,让辛苦的产后妈妈可以获得充分安静休养。作为砂拉越州美里唯一一间具备妇产科专科医生以及合格执照中医师团队的月子中心,每日由医生及执照护士巡房,评估每一位妈妈身体状况,定期进行产后伤口护理等;除此之外更与幸福中医胡医师合作,专业的把脉看诊与观察气色,根据每一位妈妈专属体质特别配制一套28天的月子中药粉,并搭配中药食疗一起调理产后身体。 每一位新生儿都是父母的至宝,恩宠产后护理月子中心提供育婴室和专业护士照顾宝宝,每天监测宝宝的体重发展和黄疸状况等;最重要的是,每一位宝宝设有独立CCTV监控,让妈妈可以掌握宝宝的一举一动,在房内也可以安心修养。为了让妈妈在坐月期间有一个更舒适的修养环境,打造了宽阔舒适的套房,特别定制的五星级高级床垫,且设有电视、WIFI以及婴儿床等便利设施,并确保定时清洁与消毒,降低细菌感染风险。每日提供五餐、少油少盐营养均衡的月子营养餐,吃得健康不油腻,又能满足妈妈们挑剔的味蕾。中心还会免费每天提供红枣水、炒米茶,帮助产妇坐月补血养气。 在坐月子期间,妈妈们不仅可以在育婴课程上学习到照顾新生儿的知识,还有一对一教学宝宝洗澡和护理,让你在新手妈妈的路上做足准备;空闲时还可以参与产后瑜伽、制作母乳小工艺品等,以及享受体验SPA服务,比如洗头头皮护理、产后按摩、泌乳按摩等,只为让妈妈疲劳的身心得到放松。恩宠产后护理月子中心秉持着多年来照料产妇的专业精神,陪伴您走过产后的关键期。
Mami Confinement Care
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Description: Bukan mudah melalui penjagaan berpantang, apatah lagi bagi ibu-ibu yang memilih untuk berada di rumah kerana perlu menguruskan rumah dan anak-anak atau ahli keluarga yang lain. Sebagai mengatasi dan memberi penyelesaian ‘dalam rumah’ untuk ibu baru bersalin, Khidmat Rawatan Dan…
First Month Confinement Centre
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Description: First Month is a postpartum retreat centre which specialises in the provision of traditional Chinese confinement services to mums and her newborns in a high quality and private accommodation setting. Providing high-quality care in a comfortable retreat environment to rejuvenate the…
EC Month Confinement Retreat Centre
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Description: The best confinement centre which provides ample care for moms during confinement, the most critical month after delivery. Having a proper post-natal care is going to be one of the greatest gifts from a mom to her baby! The arrival of…
Happy Baby Confinement Centre
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Description: Happy Baby Confinement Centre provides you and the baby with the most comfortable to care for your baby. After giving birth, it is important for mothers to practice a wholesome and restful confinement period. Since taking care of newborns is not an easy…
SabahCare Fertility Centre
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Description: SabahCare Fertility Centre, the fertility specialist centre devoted exclusively to getting you pregnant. We have been providing fertility expertise and helping couples to have children. Since our establishment, SabahCare Fertility Centre has strived to continuously improve on the fertility treatments provided, and attend to your needs…
Quisine – Premium Confinement Food Delivery (KL/Selangor)
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Description: Healthy ingredients in the right combinations are important components of a postpartum diet during confinement. At Quisine, their New Mom Pregnancy and Nursing Series of postpartum meals bring forth a new concept of confinement with suitable nutritional conditioning for different…