Novalac HA
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Description: Descriptions Novalac HA2 is a formula with 100% partially hydrolyzed whey proteins. With its adapted content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and essential elements, Novalac HA2 covers all the nutritional needs of infants over 6 months old. Novalac HA2 is used…
Abbott Similac Gain Kid
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Description: Similac Gain Kid is the only scientifically formulated growing up milk with EyeQ nutrition (DHA, Lutein, & Natural Vitamin E) for children ages 4-9 years old. Processing speed refers to how fast your child can take in and use information1. How…
Health Paradise Organic Millet Milk Powder
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Description: 天然植物奶近年来成为健康饮食的潮奶!Health Paradise有机小米植物奶粉是有机小米+植物奶的结合体,其为马来西亚首创的有机小米植物奶饮品,也是真正为孕妇及哺乳妈妈们所精心打造既美味又营养的有机饮食替代品。 小米被认为具有高营养价值的超级食物,拥有丰富的维生素B(尤其是B6)、钙质、铁质、钾和锌,能有效促进健康骨骼和新陈代谢。小米也含有卵磷脂和胆碱,有助于控制人体内的胆固醇水平。Health Paradise有机健康乐园所推出的有机小米植物奶粉内含营养丰富的有机小米、有机小小米、有机豆奶精华和蜜糖等成分,重点是采用了由欧盟国际生态中心(EcoCert)有机认证符合美国国家有机标准(US-NOP)的有机小米。有机小米植物奶粉其口感似牛奶(但完全不含牛奶),其无添加乳脂、不含乳糖、牛奶及麸质,减少对麸质或乳糖敏感的忧虑;其100%健康无添加,不含反式脂肪、胆固醇、人造甜料、人造味素、人造色素及防腐剂等,呈现最天然的有机营养,让有机小米百分百的营养照顾您全家人的健康。Kids
Enfalac A+ Step 2
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Description: Enfalac A+ Step 2 is fortified with DHA+ARA to provide nutrition for infants aged 6 to 12 months for their development. It is also contains Choline and Dietary Fibre such as GOS and Inulin.
Sustagen School 6+ 650g
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Description: Sustagen School 6+ is a nutritious milk scientifically formulated by Mead Johnson for children aged 6 years old and above. It contains important nutrients found in Food Groups from the Food Pyramid*. It now also comes with Opti Nutri Blend…
PediaSure® Shake Mix
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Description: Description Power up your milk with complete, balanced nutrition to help kids grow. When mixed with milk, each glass of PediaSure Shake Mix is a source of: 12g of protein 26 vitamins and minerals When 1/3 cup powder is mixed…
Similac Sensitive® NON-GMO*
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Description: Descriptions Gentle nutrition designed to ease fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity. It has OptiGRO™ to support your baby’s brain and eye development. Ingredients not genetically engineered. Not for infants or children with galactosemia
Abbott Similac EleCare Jr Unflavored (For children over 1 year)
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Description: Description EleCare Jr Unflavored is designed to meet the nutritional needs of children ages 1 year and older who cannot tolerate milk, soy, or protein hydrolysate formulas. The amino acid-based, hypoallergenic formula is clinically shown to be effective for maintaining…
Go & Grow by Similac® Toddler Food Pouches With OptiGRO™
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Description: Descriptions 9 out of 10 children do not eat enough vegetables. As your toddler is starting table foods and snacks, help even your most unpredictable eater get fruits & veggies with easy-to-serve Go & Grow by Similac Pouches with OptiGRO.…
Wyeth S26 Promise Gold Stage 4 – 1.8kg (4 years and above)
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Description: Descriptions Contains higher levels of DHA, Lutein and Choline. Added with Oligofructose, a soluble dietary fibre. Contains high-quality whey-protein including alpha-lactalbumin. Contains 5 Nucleotides