Attack Colour Concentrated Liquid Detergent help protects and brightens colour and keeps out chlorine present in water to protect the colour of clothes during washing. It also helps to keep your clothes looking bright and new by getting rid of ingrained dirt that causes dullness. Moreover, it also removes tough stains by penetrates quickly into frabic fibres even on areas like collars and cuffs to get rid of sebum stains. Lastly, it helps to kill germs by using the anti-bacteria formula to eliminate germs that cause unpleasant musty odour, usually from indoor drying and clothes not dried completely on rainy days.
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Attack Colour 3D CleanAction Concentrated Liquid Detergent
Attack Colour 3D CleanAction Concentrated Liquid Detergent
Cloth looks new especially the color
Cleans stains well
My cloth Look New and Clean with Attack Colour 3D CleanAction Concentrated Liquid Detergent
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