What’s So Harmful About Free Radicals?
The last century has been marked by the triumph of prolonging life and we were satisfied with an increase of life expectancy, which increased by more than 50% in the last 100 years. The development of antibiotics, vaccines, safer water,…
MythBUSTers: Can wearing bras cause breast cancer?
Is it merely an urban legend? A controversial study by Singer and Grismaijer in 1995 made history when it was revealed that wearing bras can indeed cause breast cancer. These are their statistical findings: Women who wore bras 24 hours…
Are You Breathing Poison?
Breathing – Your basic need Obviously, there are three basic needs for survival; food, water, and air. We buy food for a price and hence, it’s not free. We pay our water bills, buy bottled water for drinking, and hence…
Can Your Deodorant Kill You?
If there are two much-dreaded letters, it would be BO – body odour. Everyone would have suffered from it at one time or another, either by being a ‘producer’ of the pungent smell or a recipient of it especially while…
So who are the culprits?
Life as you know it has evolved with time. These days, our bodily needs i.e., food, is largely depended on processed food, which I might add, sees large food corporations laughing their way to the bank. With the struggling economy…
Top 9 Nutrients for Gorgeous Skin
Having a translucent and healthy complexion is probably one of women’s all-time dreams. What we have failed to grasp is, beautiful skin derives from a wholesome diet. It is a reflection of our inner health. The fingerprint of what is…
Tap for Greater Well Being with EFT
EFT (emotional freedom technique) is thought to be one the most exciting, powerful techniques to come out of the last century! It is one of the new ‘Energy Psychologies’ and is rooted within the ancient Chinese energy meridian system. It…
Is Your Body Crying For Water?
Let’s review some basic facts about our total body of water. As infants, we started life with 75‑80% of water against body weight. As we age, it decreases to 60-65% for men and for women slightly less to about 50-60%.…
Powerfoods: Mango
Mango is said to have been cultivated for over 6,000 years at the foothills of the Himalayas of India and Burma. The English singular form mango comes from the Latin Mangifera indica meaning mango-bearing plant from India. The mango is…
Powerfoods: Celery
Celery: Stick of Hope Celery (Apium graveolens) is a member of the Apiaceae (Parsley) family and a relative of dill and carrots, and said to have originated from the Mediterranean. Celery is one of the oldest vegetables ever used in…