Ask the Experts – Dry Skin
Dry skin is common. The skin loses moisture and may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed. But there is more to it than just these reasons. Our medical expert from Pantai Hospital explains. What are the classic symptoms…
Choosing the Perfect Home Blood Pressure Monitor
Checking the level of your blood pressure at home is an essential part of controlling high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. It is highly recommended by The American Heart Association as well as other organisations that those who are…
Heath and Hygiene go Hand in Hand
Kids do not always see the point of keeping themselves clean, especially when they’re busy having fun. Cleanliness can sometimes even be quite a chore when you’re a young child with so many other things to do. However, with the…
10 Common Skin Issues in Children
While infection, allergies and changes in our environment are often behind the skin conditions seen in babies and children, many parents feel helpless when they see an unexplained welt, rash or bump on their kid’s skin, especially if they do…
Mama, perut adik sakit!
Kanak-kanak boleh jadi cerewet makan atau gemar makan- sehinggalah mereka akan mengadu sakit perut. Sakit perut adalah aduan yang biasa didengari di kalangan kanak-kanak, dan kebanyakannya adalah kerana terlalu banyak makan, tidak makan ataupun ingin ke tandas. Adakah anak anda…
Ask Our Experts: Exercise
I gave birth five months ago and would like to lose weight through exercise and a healthy diet. What would you recommend I stay away from in terms of food. I am also still nursing my daughter, by the way.~…
Talking about Hypertension
A pressure is generated every time the heart beats. This pressure, known as Blood Pressure, pushes blood out of the heart into the blood vessels and beyond, till it reaches all the organs in the body. We can easily measure…
Supermoms – Staying Fantastic at 40
‘Super Woman’, ‘Yummy Mummy’, ‘Ice Queen’, ‘Stay-at-home Mum’, ‘Dragon Lady’, ‘Awesome Aunt’ are just few labels we like to hang onto the modern woman. If this is indicative of anything, the modern woman has a lot to live up to.…
Eczema: More then just skin deep
Eczema is a skin condition experienced by thousands of Malaysians. Find out what are its causes, trigger factors and treatments. WHAT IS ECZEMA? There is no cure for eczema (atopic dermatitis) but with proper skin care and diet, it can…
First Aid and Safety Tips for Your Child
Concerned about child safety? Here are some vital information you need and resources on first aid! As much as you wish to keep your attention on what your child is doing at all times, sometimes accidents happen and when they…