Jump start your day with a healthy breakfast!
How many of you actually sit down and have breakfast before leaving the house? Most of us are time pressured first thing in the morning but it actually does not take much time to swallow a bowl of wholegrain cereal…
Protein: How Much Do You Need?
Is there such a thing as too much protein? If you ask most people, the answers would range from “I don’t know” to “no”. The reason for this is because of how protein is presented to us in our everyday…
Don’t Dodge Them: 10 Anti Social Foods That You Shouldn’t Avoid
There are times when our bodies or its functions land ourselves in embarrassing situations. A burp or the passing of gas is not an experience pleasant to the ears or to the nose either. Bad breath, as we all know,…
Powerfoods: Pumpkin
Pumpkins are believed to have originated in Central America. Seeds from related plants have been found in Mexico, dating back over 7,000 years to 5,500 B.C. The word pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn which means large melon. The…
Powerfoods: Rambutan
Rambutan is an exotic fruit native of Southeast Asia, and is said to have first appeared in the Malay Archipelago. A close relative of the lychee fruit, its botanical name is Nephelium lappaceum, of the Sapindaceae family. With pearl-like fruits…
Organic Raw Food Diet: 14 Days to Super Health
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said it well: Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. Was he talking about fried, hormone infested chicken nuggets and genetically modified, and pesticided and herbicided veggies? Today’s modern city lifestyle…
Easy Steps to Start A Raw Food Lifestyle
Yes, lifestyle, not “diet”! So before we start talking about the how, let me just clarify this important difference: A diet is a short-term regime of selected food intake, mainly meant for weight loss. It’s something you do with the…
10 Healthy “Sin” Foods
Bad reputations tend to stick, even with foods. Continued negative press are enough reason for many of us to avoid them like the plague, without understanding or investigating more about them. Or we may even indulge on occasion, but with…
14 Plants and Herbs to keep Diabetes in check
Can herbs and plants help control diabetes? These 14 are used to treat symptoms of diabetes and have shown positive results in naturally lowering blood sugar levels. Scientific research is now shedding new light on the mechanisms used since ancient…
Saving Our Sharks
If sharks fin soup is served purely for traditional reasons, then shouldn’t we also bind our daughter’s feet and agree to arrange marriages as well? The fact is – traditions were not designed to jeopardise the existence of an entire…