Ask Our Experts: Playschool
“I have heard from many of my friends that sending my two-year old daughter off to a good playschool will help her to overcome the social anxiety of attending kindergarten and primary school in the future. Is there any truth…
The Role of Play in Toddler Development
Take a look at a toddler who is playing quietly by himself or with others. It may seem like it’s just mere kids’ play, but a toddler who is even sitting down by himself and checking out a toy is…
Ask Our Experts: Playschool
How will I know if my little one is ready to attend an enrichment centre or playschool? I am worried that at her tender age of 32 months, she might not be able to keep up with the activity levels…
6 Best Apps for Toddlers
While there may be dozens of child-friendly apps available for iOS and Android, finding suitable ones for toddlers can be a challenge, because they can’t read and are still developing their language skills. Some may even have limited hand-eye coordination.…
The Good Old Shape Sorter
Out of the myriads of toys meant for babies and toddlers, nothing quite matches up to the benefits a little one gets out of playing with a shape-sorter. This versatile, often colorful toy has been around for ages and has…
Good Beginnings for Better Futures
Children start learning even when they’re still in their mother’s womb. Early childhood is the most rapid period of learning and growth in a human life. What happens in this period can have life-long consequences. A positive start promotes the…
Playing to Learn and Learning to Play
When a baby is playing, even with his toes, he is busy discovering. In this case, about his body and the fact that those toes are part of him. He’ll want to know everything there is to know about them,…
Laugh Out Loud
It is never too early to help your child develop a good sense of humour, for remember, it is not necessarily inherited, but can be taught! It’s always been a fact, that a decent sense of humor can help you…
Values for Children to Live By
All parents would want to see their children grow up with good life principles and ethics which will hopefully help them live a more gratifying life. Hence, it is necessary to instill important values in our little ones from as…
Fahami Bahasa Bayi
Berikut merupakan panduan yang boleh anda ikuti bagi mengenali dan memahami bahasa si manja. Walau bagaimanapun, anda perlu ingat bahawa setiap bayi mempunyai bahasa dan gaya yang berbeza, justeru anda mungkin akan mengalami situasi yang berlainan untuk setiap bayi anda.…