12 Nutrient Deficiencies that can make you sick
A nutritional deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t absorb the necessary amount of a nutrient. Deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems. What are Nutritional Deficiencies? The body requires many different vitamins and minerals that are crucial for…
7 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin
Feeling a little oily? Or perhaps your skin is dry and cracked? Here are some natural home remedies that you can use to get radiant and spotless skin. 1. Lemon: A product with many great properties and a common ingredient…
12 Simple Steps to Smooth Skin
When you consider your monthly breakouts, sun damage and a few fine lines, most of us feel like smooth skin is out of our reach. However, skincare experts disagree. By making 12 simple changes to your beauty regimen, you could…
Feeling the Burn
How can you reduce the chances of getting skin cancer?
Good Eating Habits for a Healthy Life
A healthy diet generally consists of eating wide variety of nutritious, low-fat food in moderation. Too much of spicy food, too little water and poor eating habits such as inadequately chewing food, eating late in the day or eating “on…
Say Hello to having Clear and Healthy Complexion
Almost everyone has experienced acne in some point of their lives. Many factors can contribute to the breakout of acne – in adolescence, many of us had to deal with acne due to the hormonal changes our bodies were going through. Even…
Clean Air, Clean Life
Why should you get an air purifier? We Malaysians are unfortunately all too familiar with the phenomenon known as “haze”. During the hazy season, the air is filled with microscopic particles that can put your health in real danger. While…
A Busy People’s Guide to Fitness
Fitness has never been as popular as it is today. However, most people simply acknowledge the importance of exercise and fitness without taking action. One key reason for this is that they are just too busy. Well, fitness can’t get…
6 Foods to Banish from Your Pantry
This is a great time of year to shift away from processed, sugar and fat-heavy foods so that you can raise the quality of your meals. The best way to begin is to clear the temptation foods off the pantry…
Club Med Cherating: A Slice Of Paradise
My mother and I have heard lots of good things about Club Med Cherating over the years — from the glorious beaches to the legendary Club Med hospitality. So when the opportunity came to stay at the hotel came about,…