More Natural Ways to Strengthen Your Hair
If you search online for “natural hair loss treatments,” a long list of tonics, creams, and supplements appears. But do they work? Paradi Mirmirani, MD, a dermatologist for Permanente Medical Group in Vallejo, Calif., spends a lot of time steering…
Hair Fallout? DIY Remedies to the Rescue
Female pattern baldness is an example of androgenic alopecia, which occurs amongst men in general, but many females even complain of this disorder. The emotional upheaval attached to hair-loss causes stress that further activates shedding. ageing, hormonal imbalances, menopause, post-pregnancy…
Female Pattern Baldness – Are you a Victim?
A man’s balding head vs. woman’s balding head Do you observe a pattern of hair fall related scare in your mind, every second year as you age? Loss of hair is not singularly a problem associated with only females. In…
Work Hard, Play Hard. Enjoy Both!
How do women in high post, high-stress, demanding leadership positions often find work-life balance and achieve challenging goals? While the excitement of being in charge can be a great motivator to succeed, the responsibilities of leading a business on top…
Head Lice! Ewww….
What are head lice? Head lice are tiny bugs that reside in human hair. They are particularly common in children. Head lice are whitish to grey-brown in colour, and smaller than the size of a pinhead when first hatched. When…
Dealing with Depression – 7 Things to Avoid Saying
What do you say to someone who’s depressed? All too often, it’s the wrong thing. Depression is a severe medical condition that affects the way we think, feel, and act. Despite with good intention, we sometimes say things that are…
Lying in Wait – the Dangers of Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumococcus is a highly contagious and potentially deadly bacterium that is responsible for up to one million deaths annually, among children under the age of five years. About 40-90% of children are pneumococcal carriers, with the…
Dealing with Sexual Dysfunctions – a Guide for Older Men (and their wives)
Ageing is a natural process, but to some extent, it still manages to take people by surprise. General understanding states that men have a more difficult time than women adapting to the changes imposed by age. This goes back to…
Senarai Ibu Baru Hamil Wajib Buat
Adakah anda pertama kali hamil? Melihat dua tanda pada kit kehamilan anda tentu mengujakan bakal ibu dan bapa. Saat pertama kali disahkan hamil membuatkan anda terpinga-pinga dan tertanya-tanya apa yang perlu dilakukan semasa awal kehamilan. Kami kongsikan senarai wajib buat…
Nessa Presents The Future Of Hearing Care Innovation
Nessa (Asia’s most innovative hearing care solutions) has officially launched the Nessa brand and its innovative hearing solutions to the Malaysian media. This could not have been timelier as Malaysia gets noisier, to a level that jeopardises health — young…