Adakah Usus Anak Anda Sihat?
Kanak-kanak yang kerap membuang air besar tidak bermakna dia mudah untuk mengeluarkan najis. Anak anda tidak mengalami sembelit jika najisnya lembut dan mudah dikeluarkan, walaupun dia tidak membuang air besar setiap hari. Ada kanak-kanak yang membuang air besar lebih daripada…
Breastfeeding 101
“Breastfeeding is the natural and best way to feed your baby!” It is no surprise you might have heard this all throughout your pregnancy and now that your baby is born. You must be thinking if it is natural it…
Dealing with Dengue during Pregnancy
What is dengue? By now, every single one of you would probably know what dengue is and how dangerous it can be. But for those of you, who are still not very clear with it, don’t worry – we are…
When My Child Won’t Listen
POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT Positive behaviour supports principles that regard a right of a child to be treated with dignity. It focuses on a child’s overall success, not just the challenging behaviours. When dealing with a challenging behaviour, positive behaviour support…
Earn, Save and Spend: How Can Kids Save Money?
Most children love money! They love seeing their piggy banks fill up with coins and notes and they love emptying it out, and then spending all the money on toys and junk food. Being able to buy toys and chocolates…
Ask Our Experts: Common Flu and Sore Throat
What is the best remedy for a common flu and sore throat? Most of the time, common flu and sore throat are due to viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and normally self limiting without the need for medication.…
Labor Made Easy
Natural? Epidural? Know Your Choices! They don’t call it labour for nothing. A huge part of the process is all about getting through the unbearable pain that comes with the whole miracle of pregnancy. But calm down, just like everything…
The Pregnancy Roller Coaster
The diaper commercial was a lighthearted montage of wild animals with their newborns. There was a penguin protecting her chick, a zebra circling her foal and so on. Some really touching melody played in the background. Ten seconds in –…
Mummy’s Diary: Birthday Parties
In this article, Gayatri Unsworth talks about children’s’ birthday parties and how to make it a fun fun day with maximum fun and minimal stress for both, parents and the birthday kid. Birthday parties – love them or hate them,…
Position is Key
If you are a first time mother and have never done it before, face it; breastfeeding might get a little awkward and complicated for you. Yes, it is one of the most natural things of motherhood, but just like everything…