Post Natal Exercise
Along with a healthy diet, exercise after childbirth can help you feel your best. In this article, Physiotherapy Manager Lee Heng Ho shares some post-natal exercise tips and techniques that will improve your strength and stamina after pregnancy. After childbirth,…
Choline for Pregnancy Health
Choline is an essential nutrient during pregnancy as it can help protect a newborn against neural tube defects while boosting the mother’s brainpower. Choline is a dietary component responsible for maintaining healthy cell membranes and brain function. It is important…
Creating a Nurturing Space for Your Pregnancy
Celebrate your pregnancy by decorating your special spaces with colours and beautiful objects that inspire positive vibes about your pregnancy. In preparation for the arrival of a new child, pregnant women usually only think about childproofing the home and designing…
Bath Time for Baby!
Bathing time can be a great way to bond with your baby. Apart from ensuring she is clean and comfortable, bathtime can be a fun-filled activity for both of you! Float Like Boats Prepare a few bath toys, plastic cooking…
The Benefits of Post Natal Massages
Specially catered to new mothers, post pregnancy massages are not only a good way to facilitate rapid recovery and better health after delivery, these massages also promote emotional balance and offer stress relief. Massages offer many health benefits including stress…
Eco Friendly Living with Your Baby
Going green not only helps the planet, it can ensure a healthier lifestyle for your whole family. When it comes to nurturing and protecting your little ones, eco-friendly options prove to be great choices to help them grow up in…
Hipotiroidisme ketika Kehamilan & Kelahiran
“Apabila seseorang wanita itu hamil, tubuhnya memerlukan hormon tiroid yang mencukupi untuk menyokong keperluan metaboliknya yang semakin meningkat, serta untuk bayi yang dikandungnya. Kelenjar tiroid yang sihat mampu memenuhi keperluan untuk hormon tiroid yang meningkat bagi ibu dan bayinya secara…
How Daddy Can Make Breastfeeding Easier
The longer mummy breastfeeds, the more daddy gets to save up for that gadget he has been wanting. Most expectant fathers know that breastfeeding is the best way to feed their babies. Breastfed babies receive higher nutrients and are at…
Pumping and Storing Breast Milk
It is a known fact around the world that breast milk is the best food for your newborn baby. It contains the right balance of nutrients and it contributes in the improvement of your baby’s immune system. I am sure…
Little Steps: Taking Care of My Baby’s Feet
Babies are born with only 22 bones in each foot, but the numbers of bones increase to 26 by the time they are five years old. The first few years of your baby’s life are crucial as the bones in…