Are Vaccines a Must for Children?
As parents we would like to prevent any illnesses and diseases. However, what happens when they stem from our very own nonchalant attitude towards vaccines? Is it truly a must for every child? Let’s find out. How does immunity work?…
Teaching Children About Racial Tolerance
As Malaysians, we live in a rich, multi-racial environment. It doesn’t matter what race you are, your child will inevitably have to come to contact with kids from other races and backgrounds. They will realise that people come in different…
Raising a Confident Child
One thing successful people have in common is that they are remarkably confident in themselves – which is a very important trait to cultivate in a child who will soon have to strive in a fast-paced, growing and challenging community.…
Eco Friendly Birthday Party Ideas
Here’s a fact: Birthday parties generate a lot of trash! There are wrapping papers, disposable plates and cups which are not necessarily biodegradable, paper towels, birthday cards, balloons and the list goes on! You can do your part in helping…
Preschool Readiness Checklist
So, you have your sights (and heart) on the ideal preschool for your child and all looks well… Chances are though, you might be a tad concerned if junior is ready to spend a few hours of the day in…
Protect Your Child From Second-Hand Smoke
Did you know that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are steadily taking in nicotine and other chemicals into their bodies just like smokers? Also, consider the fact that no amount of secondhand smoke is considered safe! The smoke…
Prevent Your Child From Getting Sick
Getting sick may be part and parcel of growing up, but it does not mean that parents have to completely surrender to these circumstances. There are always ways to boost a child’s immunity levels so that they’re better able to…
Are Your Kids Getting The Eye Care They Need?
Eye care for children should not be taken for granted as it is a critical part of their development. A healthy eyesight will help children receive 80% of their information from their surroundings and also determines how a child copes…
Tangani Buli
Buli merupakan masalah besar jika dihadapi oleh anak anda. Gejala buli sekiranya dibiarkan akan memberi kesan kepada emosi dan fizikal anak. Ia akan membuatkan si kecil berasa sakit, takut, tertekan, malu, sedih dan keseorangan. Buli tidak hanya berlaku dengan menggunakan…
Nutritional Needs of Growing Bodies
As parents, it’s only natural to be concerned about your growing child’s nutritional intake. After all, it’s every parent’s desire to meet with their child’s dietary needs and then some. It may be smooth sailing for a rare few whose…