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Recent review: Jajan twisties perisa keju merupakan kegemaran saya. No. 1 antara perisa2 lain. Saya suka rasa cheese dia yg berasa ditekak. Keropok dia pun sangat rangup. Suka bila dapat keropok yang panjang2 dan gemuk2. 1 peket tu selalu isi dia tak…
BumbleBee34Recent review: 听说使用的初期会有脱发的情况,难怪我用了一阵子发现脱发有点严重,也没什么发现生发的情况。
tangicey15Recent review: Rosken Hydrating Vitamin E sangat bagus untuk kulit sensitif macam saya...lotion yg menyerap sepenuh nya pada kulit..tidak melekit...lotion ini dapat memulihkan keadaan kulit saya yg kasar akibat dari kegatalan yg dihadapi...sangat berpuasa hati
Maizatul05Recent review: Ia sangat bagus bukan hanya utk menghilangkan ruam lampin baby sahaja tapi untuk semua peringkat umur boleh menggunanya..
IntanDzarina47Recent review: This is my ultimate favourite foundation. I love how lightweight the texture is when applied on my skin. It has pretty good coverage and last quite longer . It really helps me to cover up my darkspots especially in my…
lynnimaan02Recent review: It is very interesting to have a colourful snack. Nips absolutely one of them. Chocolate coated with peanut or raisin in them with nice colourful coatings. When eat either you pick peanut or raisin. It is actually can be guess.…
AkuHudHud27Recent review: Was very happy when they finally have it in IMAGO, means i don't need to fly to KL to drink it anymore! love their wheat grass shots and my first drink that converted me was Green Dinosaur! hope one day…
wanyyg27Recent review: Pureen ni kain dia sangat lembut dan selesa utk dipakai. Saya selalu guna, dri adik beradik saya pada anak anak buah saya
aisha224438Recent review: I love this products so much because it helps to remove dirts on my skin and not to much bubbles.
qisstiera75Recent review: breakfast choice, not bad
Suzanne Fong