Gardenia 100% WholeGrain with Canadian Purple Wheat

Product Details

100% natural whole grains plus the added goodness of Canadian Purple Wheat which is extremely rich in antioxidants. Unique in taste, low in fat and very high in fibre and vitamins.

  1. Suzanne Fong
    76 reviews

    not bad

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2019

    breakfast choice, not bad

  2. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Tak rugi cuba

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 6, 2019

    Roti gardenia wholegrain pack purple ni tekstur dia lebih kasar berbanding pack roti gardenia warna hijau. Pada saya hasil potongan lapisan ia pun lebih tebal sedikit berbanding pack hijau yg biasa tu. Agak keras sedikit tetapi rasa tetap sedap. Sesuai buat sandwich atau makan mcm roti biasa. Selalunya sarapan saya ambil 3 keping roti ni makan begitu saja.

  3. fatinnabila5332
    6 reviews

    Healthy Diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 21, 2018

    Sejak saya mula ke arah pemakanan yg lebih sihat. Roti ini jadi pilihan utama!!! Sangay sedap dan mengeyangkan! Tukarlah ke pilihan yang lebih baik. Pilihan di tangan anda!

  4. Najwa Farnan
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    Roti favourite sayaaaaaaaa. Makan macam tu je pun tak payah sapu butter ke apa. Plus ada fiber bagus untuk prosess pencernaan. My ready to go breakfast. Tapi sayangnya tak semua kedai runcit ada jual jenis ni 🙁

  5. Zhe Tee
    3 reviews

    Delicious bread

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 21, 2018

    The bread although is from gardenia and it won’t let me down too whenever I consume it along with my families. My children very like it and definitely will eat it every morning with Kaya and butter. The taste is just nice for 4-12 children.

  6. nisha271779
    3 reviews

    Healthy choice of bread

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 15, 2018

    This loaf is packed with goodness. It is very healthy as it has low fat, low sugar and low calories added with High GI. Tbis bread is simply delicious to be eaten as sandwiches. Kids love it too. Gardenia’s Canadian PurpleWheat bread is simpky the best breakfast i can give my kids.

  7. Estherlow91
    13 reviews

    Best wheat bread from Gardenia

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 12, 2018

    This bread has low Glycemic Index, meaning that it gets broken down slowly and energy is released gradually. Personally, I think it is the best wheat bread from Gardenia at the moment. Tastewise, it might be a bit bland, but pairing it with a slice of cheese or peanut better, the taste of the wheat bread becomes flavourful.

  8. yayayaya93
    1 reviews

    Bila-bila masa

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2018

    Roti purple wheatgrain ini boleh dimakan dan dibawa bila-bila masa dan senang dimakan. Lagi sedap jika dipelbagaikan contohnya boleh buat sandwich telur atau sandwich sardin tapi masih lagi berkhasiat dan mengenyangkan. Jika anda diet makan lah roti ini kerana roti purple wheatgrain penuh dengan serat dan khasiat yang tinggi. Mulakan hari anda dengan makanan yang sihat !

  9. Lyt9879
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    High GI Bread which is high in fiber compare with other brand, nice tasteand easy too get full. Add a sunny side up for breakfast , more nutrients compare with white bread , go wholegrain, make life more healthy, price is acceptable

  10. Ahmad Hanif
    9 reviews

    Gardenia 100% WholeGrain & Canadian Purple Wheat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    Sarapan yang berkhasiat dan pantas.

    Rasa yang sedap dan mampu memberi tenaga sepanjang hari..

  11. hemala81
    5 reviews

    Gardenia purple wheat

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 8, 2018

    This bread is wholesome food to start your day. You can get all nutrients before starting your day.

  12. Khairul_Rahman58
    95 reviews

    Gardenia 100% WholeGrain with Canadian Purple Wheat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 4, 2018

    Saya sarapan dengan Gardenia 100% WholeGrain with Canadian Purple Wheat kaya dengan serat yang berkhasiat.Saya mengamalkan diet rendah kalori.Roti ini sangat bagus untuk sarapan pagi kerana rendah kalori dan kaya dengan bijirin.Harga mampu milik.Sedap dan Lazat.Mudah disediakan sarapan pagi yang ringkas dan cepat penyediaan.Kami sekeluarga suka menikmati Gardenia 100% WholeGrain with Canadian Purple Wheat waktu pagi dan petang.

  13. Cony48
    3 reviews

    Healthy bread

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2018

    Before my hometown didn’t sell this gardenia, so when I went to west msia sure I will buy it back to my hometown.. nice to try it

  14. Zahid Salim
    4 reviews

    Are you in diet mood?

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 2, 2018

    This bread 100% whole grain..

    What the difference with others?
    – low fat
    – low calories
    – low sugar
    – suggested to anybody who have diabetes and high blood pressure disease

  15. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Roti gardenia purple

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 21, 2017

    Roti wholegrain gardenia yg sangat bagus untuk diet. Makan dan kenyang agak lama. Texture roti mmg lembut dn gebu. Siap ada canadian purple wheat yg kaya dengan antioxidant. Baik untuk kesihatan kerana ia juga tanpa pengawet tiruan. Antara yg mahal harga tapi berbaloi dengan kuantiti dn kualiti.

  16. Azwana Mohd Ayob
    46 reviews

    Kenyang dan bagus untuk diet say

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 14, 2017

    Saya mengamalkan diet rendah kalori. Roti ini sangat bagus untuk sarapan pagi kerana rendah kalori dan kaya dengan bijirin

  17. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    I honestly and truly love this brand

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017

    I honestly and truly love this brand of bread. It is amazing when toasted since it satisfies my crunchy craving!! I eat this every morning with avocado and boiled egg or with peanut butter and bananas

  18. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 10, 2017

    I am drawn to bread. So much so that sometimes I believe that I was born to love bread. Gardenia’s Canadian Purple Wheat loaf is my all time favorite as its taste is really enjoyable, and texture inviting. I could eat this whole loaf for days on end without getting bored of it. The feature of this bread that draws me most into liking it is because of its flavor and texture

  19. Mimi81
    177 reviews

    Roti Gardenia kesukaan.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    Gardenia jenama tidak asing yang diusahakan bumiputra berjaya setakat ini. Boleh dimakan dengan apa sahaja cara ianya tetap menyelerakan dan halal.

  20. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2017


  21. deniseW28
    121 reviews

    Healthier, with more bite to it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2017

    This is another family favourite. While the colour is a little off-putting, the texture compensates to make this a yummy snack. I buy this to try to increase the grains and fiber consumed by the family. The best part when eating this bread is when you get a bite of the wheat in the bread….like finding a treasure while on a treasure hunt!

  22. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    Healthy and affordable

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2017

    Prefer wholegrain bread ratty than white bread as wholegrain bread is more healthy. Texture a bit dry as it make from 100% wholegrain but it make a good sandwich.

  23. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Amazing bread with amazing health benefits!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    I am drawn to bread. So much so that sometimes I believe that I was born to love bread. Gardenia’s Canadian Purple Wheat loaf is my all time favorite as its taste is really enjoyable, and texture inviting. I could eat this whole loaf for days on end without getting bored of it. The feature of this bread that draws me most into liking it is because of its flavor and texture. It does not taste like any ordinary bread I’ve tasted before even in bakeries. Retailing at RM3.70 for an entire loaf, it is not only healthy, but so affordable too. Another item always on my grocery list each week.

    198 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    Sarapan pagi yang lazat..Diperkaya dengan fibre dan vitamin..

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