Formulated for babies, Sudocrem Nappy Rash Cream ought to be applied at every nappy change It contains a water-repellent base and emollient that protect the skin by forming a barrier against stool, urine and other irritants ultimately leaving the skin moist and supple.

It is easily applied to the affected areas of the skin and is less greasy and oily. Due to its hypoallergenic formula with ingredients such as zinc oxide, benzoyl benzoate, benzoyl cinnamate and lanolin, this cream helps soothe, restore and protect baby’s delicate skin.


(33 Reviews)

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Great for my family!

I loveee this Sudocrem so much! It really works! It does exactly what every mom and dad wants. it makes my baby more comfortable. It’s a huge relief that after one application of Sudocrem, my kid’s bum rashes always seem significantly better, if not completely gone This cream’s packaging is sturdy and relatively easy to open and close. definitely a must have in your nappy bag!

Sudocrem Happy Moment

I still remember how stressed I was when my newborn baby developed rashes on his bum on his second week of life. As a first time mom, I was very worried about it because I did not have any experience. It was painful for me to see him crying in discomfort and pain. I kept looking around for a nappy cream that can heal him, changing one brand after another but nothing worked out till I found Sudocrem. Sudocrem nappy cream works wonders for my baby. Within two days, his rashes disappeared. Since then, I have been using it to moisturise his bum and protect him from having nappy rash. Now, he has turned to a cheeky boy. During nappy change, his patterns really banyak. He will take his favourite Sudocrem, open the cap himself and ask me to apply for him. Then, he will standby in weird position. Nevertheless, he is in love with it as much as I do. I truly believe that nappy rash-free babies always make happy babies, as well as happy mommies!

Sudocream be my baby happy nappy cream

Sudocrem is my baby little helper to solve her sensitive and rashes skin effectively . Use once time you will fall in love with Sudocrem which can protects ,soothes and restores skin immediately.Due to nappy wetness Sudocrem can moisturizes the skin and reduces discomfort perfectly.My baby rahses problem gone just with a thin layer Sudocrem applied regularly.Only the brand me and my baby trusted is Sudocrem.Make a Happy Mum and Happy Baby by using Sudocrem Nappy Cream!

Say bye-bye to nappy rash!

Sudocream is always my 1st choice of nappy cream for my kids. I had tried few nappy cream previously but the effectiveness of the nappy cream is not good after I applied it on my kids' nappy rash. After I tried this Sudocream, I can see my kids' nappy rashes gone away very fast after I applied it. Only need to apply thin layer of the cream and you can see the effectiveness very fast. Although the price of Sudocream is a bit expensive, but it is really worth it.

Merawat ruam lampin dengan berkesan

Mempunyai anak yang berkulit sensitif memang agak merisaukan apabila berkait dengan pemakaian lampin pakai buang. Lampin menyebabkan ruam pada celah-celah paha dan punggung anak saya. . Setelah mencuba sudocream ia terbukti merawat ruam lampin yang dialami anak saya. Saya gunakan setiap kali menukar lampinnya.

baby saver

It's truly heart pain for newbie parents like us. Our baby encountered skin rashes around the napkin areas. Been to hospital and clinic but the medication doesn't work. We ended up get this in oharmacy after friends recommendation. It works perfectly. Just few application, his skin getting better and no more rashes after a week plus of application. Thanks for wonderful product. I recommend all mummy and daddies to have this at your home.

no more nappy rash!

My baby had nappy rash previously and i had applied X brand nappy rash cream on it but it did not show any improvement on the nappy rash. After I changed it to Sudocream, his nappy rash has gone the next day. After that I always use sudocream to apply on my baby's nappy rash. The price of sudocream is a bit expensive. It can be easily found in pharmacies.

No more nappy rash

My daughter uses sudo cream since born until now. Now her brother also apply sudo cream. I found it super good in preventing and smoothen rashes. It is safe for babies to use and it is value for money. I have no regret making the correct product choices for my kids. Thanks sudo cream.

The only brand i use

Although it was a bit expensive, but this nappy cream was amazing. It will not ust heal nappy rashes but basically rashes in any part of your body e.g, neck fold, arm fold etc. It takes around few hours to see the result, you can clearly noticed the rashes dries up and become smaller in size.

Tiada lagi masalah ruam pada bayi

sebelum mencuba sudocream, pelbagai jenama saya telah cuba, ianya tidak berkesan pada anak saya yang mudah berpeluh, kemudian kakak ipar saya perkenalkan pada saya sudocream.. hanya dengan sapuan yang nipis sahaja, tiada lagi ruam pada punggung dan pelipat2 anak saya. Ianya boleh diguna di semua tempat yang mudah tumbuh ruam.

Sangat sesuai untuk kulit yg sensitif

First time cuba dapat dr hospital slps bersalin hingga kini masih menggunakan utk anak ke 4.Sangat bagus dan berkesan utk kulit merah2 dan ruam lampin.Setiap kali menukar pampers baby mesti menyapu cream ini pd kulit yg sensitif.Baby pun tiada ruam lagi.

Kualiti terbaik

Ketika anak saya masih bayi, punggungnya kerap naik ruam. Selepas menggunakan sudocream, punggung anak saya tiada masalah ruam lagi. Terima kasih sudocream!!

Sensasi dinginnya melegakan ketidakselesaan akibat ruam.

Saya mula mnggunakan krim Sudocream ni selepas hospital mmberikannya secara percuma lepas bersalin.Bila ruam mula naik di bhgian lampin,celah kankang dan leher ank,sy hanya sapukan sikit krim Sudocream ni pd permukaan ruam dan kesannya mmg sgt efektif dan kesannya sgt cepat.Krim ni mngandungi emolien yang melegakan kesakitan dan ketidakselesaan.Sensasi dinginnya juga dapat melegakan kesakitan dan kerengsaan.Dan yg paling sy suka ialah asasnya yang tahan air membentuk rintangan sebagai perlindungan,membantu mencegah rengsaan yg berpunca dari air kencing dan peluh.Bekasnya pun kecil,mudah dibawa dlm beg tangan ketika keluar rumah.Harga pun murah je dan mudah nk dpt di kebanyakkan farmasi atau kedai ubat.

My baby choice

Sgt2 bagus....sapu waktu mlm dan pagi sudah hilang...xperlu bimbang dgn ruam lagi...

Highly Recommended Nappy Rash Cream For Baby

The one and only trusted cream for nappy rash.I have been using Sudocream since my first born 13 years ago and still using Sudocream for my third born son.Really helps for baby with sensitive skin,plus can use it up to 6 month if apply mildly on your baby skin :)

Life saver

My baby have a very sensitive skin. Need to change diapers every 4hours. Then I start to use sudocream on his butt and walaaaaa no more rushes and pity full crying due to "ruam lampin"..


My daughter has a sensitive skin. She often faced nappy rash on her diaper area. I have tried many nappy cream including the one prescribed by pharmacy to cure her nappy rash but the result still same. Until one day, I read a good review from a mother who faced the same problem with me. I have bought this Sudocrem through Lazada, and put it on the affected area. It works! After a few days, the nappy rash was gradually gone and I can feel her smooth skin again. No more itchy and pain. Thanks Sudocrem!?❤?

love sudocream

one of the best cream for rashes, fast recover, really love it!!

Efficient for nappy rash

I have tried both famous nappy cream for my baby and here is my comparison: Drapolene- the sizes easy to bring out and save space in diaper bag, liquid cream easy to apply on baby skin. Risk of spread out when you forgot to close the lid. Sudocream- round bottle more take space, hard liquid type can prevent spread out even when you forgot to close the lid. Efficient for nappy rash! The price is almost the same if you count by the usage lifetime. I will take turn to use these both brand nappy cream for my baby.

This is the best diaper rash cream

This is the best diaper rash cream.A little goes along way. The cream is smooth. It is easy to apply. This is one I like to put in gift baskets for baby showers.It works fast which is great for the ouch bum rashes

Effective in prevent nappy rash and cure nappy rash

Before I started using sudocream, I use Pureen nappy cream whenever my son has nappy rash. However, pureen nappy rash is not effective in curing my son's nappy rash. After I tried sudocream, I love its fast and effective effect in curing his nappy rash. Sudocream is always my 1st choice of nappy rash cream.

Ruam lampin hilang selepas sapu

Anak saya memang memiliki kulit yang sensitif terutama nya dibahagian lampin dan jika lambat cuci najis bayi mesti dia akan terkena ruam merah yang gatal. Saya hanya sapukan sudocrem dengan sapuan nipis, selepas beberapa jam bila nak tukar lampin kali kedua saya tengok ruam dah tak tiada..sangat bagus krim ni ?

Sudocream pilihan saya

Sudocream ini salah satu jenama yang saya kenali ketika melahirkan anak pertama. Staf nurse di hospital memberi goodies dan didalam nya ada Sudocream. Memang sangat bagus dan hanya sekali sapu sahaja, ruam lampin anak hilang keesokkan harinya.


薄薄的一层 当晚就不会红红了哦

Great product!

What a life saver Sudocrem has been for me! I used it with my two babies to prevent nasty nappy rashes. Highly effective and very safe to use. I highly recommend it!

effective for nappy rash

I have been using sudocream for years since my first kid. It is very effective in curing nappy rash. My baby was having serious nappy rash last time and doctor had recommended sudocream to me. To my surprise, his nappy rash gone away after 2 days.

apply on my old mother skin

I bought this for my disable mother when I changing diaper for her. It can help to protect her skin from irritation because he need to wear diaper in long term. A bid bottle can use up to 3 months no problem. Very valuable.

Krim Ruam Lampin Yang Berkesan

Saya sangat suka gunakan krim ini. anak saya mempunyai kulit sensetif, pelbagai krim lampin saya sudah cuba, saya gunakan krim ini ruam lampin anak saya hilang dengan cepat. Sebekas boleh tahan lama penggunaannya.

Sudocream Nappy Rash Cream

I come across this cream during 2008 when my 1st girl was born. My relative bought me this from Australia. Since then I use it at nappy rash cream for my both kids. Is works apparently for my kids skin.

keep nappy rash away

Sudocream very convenience to bring out, because it is hard cream type. It can help my nephew keep nappy rash away.

one cream for all skin rash!

one cream for all skin rash! one bottle can use up to 3 months! super valuable nappy cream! and this is multi function cream for sensitive skin too!

One Cream can use few months

Sudocream is very useful for every mummy. It can use as nappy cream, sometimes baby skin allergic we also can try to apply this cream on it. One bottle can use very long time, valuable for money!

Essential for baby

This is essential for babies. My baby have nappy rashes and red patches. I always use this for my baby after bath and found quite effective for my baby 's skin. My baby's skin getting better.

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