Cintan Noodles

Product Details

  • 1st Instant Noodle introduced in Malaysia in 1969
  • Great source of Protein – noodles made from the finest quality flour & ingredients
  • High quality & springy noodles
  • Tantalising flavours such as Curry, Asli, Mushroom Chicken, Assam Laksa, Tom Yam, Soto Ayam, Vegetarian, Vegetarian Curry, Goreng Spicy and Goreng Ala Indonesia
  1. legendgan76
    1 reviews

    give me a healthier feels

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 3, 2021

    This instant noodles that are added with good nutrition ingredients and make me feel healthier, not only this, this also reminds me of the authentic Asian noodles.

  2. Vero9828
    142 reviews

    Nice curry taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 19, 2019

    Up to my surprise, the taste of the curry was so nice. I got the chance to try out the vegetarian curry from Cintan. And it taste really good. I would say as good as the normal version. Just need to add in some long beans and you could get an nice bowl of curry noodles.

  3. Easter Wong
    17 reviews

    Cintan: my all time favorite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 10, 2019

    Since I was a little girl, my favorite instant noodle was Brand Cintan. And now, I getting older, Cintan still my 1st choice. I love the texture of the noodles, and the of seasoning just suit my taste bud. Cintan, I will continue to support you.

  4. haohao21
    177 reviews

    Easy to cook

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 4, 2019

    Whenever I am hungry at night, Cintan curry flavour will be always my favourite supper. It is so easy to cook and can be ready within 10 minutes. I always add egg into the mee as it will become more tastier. I love its curry aroma after being cooked. Cintan curry can be easily found in hypermarktes, 7-11 and groceries shop.

  5. Lyantham8505
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2018

    有谁和我一样每当晚上睡不着觉,想吃宵夜时就会想起Cintan ?
    小时候家里环境不好,晚上想要吃宵夜时,妈妈就会煮两包cintan 面,再加个蛋就成为了我家三姐弟的宵夜了。当时我们吃的只是清汤的Cintan 面,直到长大了,去到KL读书,妈妈还是会在我出门时,把两包的Cintan 面塞进我的行李!
    有一次,在杂货店里找不到我熟悉的清汤Cintan 面,失落中不想尝试其他品牌的面,就鼓起勇气尝试Cintan 的咖喱面!
    一试就回不了头啦!从此之后我就爱上了Cintan 的咖喱面,原来咖喱味的Cintan 是这样的美味。我就像发现新大陆一样的兴奋!
    至此咖喱cintan 面就陪伴我无数个读大学时熬夜的夜晚……

  6. KhaiXuan12
    15 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 23, 2018

    I love this curry mee, this make my supper delicious, the mee is easy cook also very delicious, mostly 1 is not enough , 2 is just suitable, this cintan brands I was trust it , and always see this in my house

  7. Dyruse94
    3 reviews

    My go-to instant noodle at all time

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 2, 2018

    Cintan instant noodle is just like my comfort food. I love that the noodle is springy and the soup base is flavorful but yet not too salty.

  8. Syara Syarafina
    6 reviews

    My first choice

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 5, 2018

    Cintan is my 1st choice for as instant noodle. I really love the texture of the noodle, less elastic and have moderate wax taste. However, the soup curry taste is so not really strong,… The taste is acceptable

  9. mizarifin91
    136 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 30, 2017

    saya pernah mencuba mee segera cintan perisa kari. mee nya tidak kenyal dan serbuk perasa macam sikit sangat dan tak pekat. kalau student nk makan kt hostel macam tak sesuai..kalau kat rumah sendiri boleh la sebab macam kena tambah macam2 bahan baru sedap sikit

  10. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Not bad

    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 21, 2017

    Cintan\’s noodle is nicer compared to other brand. But in term of the curry flavo, i prefer the other one (Brand M). Price very cheap and reasonable, easy to cook and the noodle won\’t get soggy easily. Overall is nice. Good when you haven\’t got your salary of the month 🙂

  11. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Easy to prepare and tasty

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 11, 2017

    Cintan curry is very easy to cook and it is taste good if you add some vegetables and egg inside. Do not put so much seasonings as it is not good for health. You can buy Cintan curry from most of the convenience store and hypermarkets. The price is reasonable.

  12. Nor Juliana Mawarni
    129 reviews

    maggie cintan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2017

    Maggie cintan kari menjadi pilihan saya sejak dulu lagi.Saya suka masak dengan air yang sedikit,letak telur dan perah limau nipis.Memang sedap.Saya selalu berebut dengan adik beradik saya?.Tidak pernah cukup.Harga nya sangat murah dan senang didapati dikedai-kedai berhampiran kita.Maggie cintan ini kenyal dan mudah disediakan.Tidak sampai 3minit.’Packing’sekarang pun menarik.Bagi sesiapa yang nak makan cepat dan dengan kadar segera,maggie cintan pilihan yang tepat.

  13. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Super tasty!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 24, 2017

    I love Cintan Noodles as it tastes so delicious and easy for me to cook it in few minutes. As the price is very reasonable it can be purchased from the hypermarket. Whenever I feel hungry and I could not cook anything due to my busy schedule, the fastest way I can do is cook the Cintan Noodles. I always add the vegetables such as carrot, tomatoes, salad and add eggs so that it gives extra taste. Yummy! I always share the Cintan Noodles with my family as they love it so much. The curry flavours gives a good aroma which makes me eat till my tummy is full. The Spicy and delicious Cintan Noodles always makes you one bowl is not enough at all. I am fully satisfied with the great taste of Cintan Noodles. Highly recommend.

  14. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2017


  15. Fong Fong
    318 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017

    The first instant noodle I’ve tried. The broth was thin, a bit salty and have strong curry flavor, very delicious.

  16. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    suke kesemuanya

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 26, 2017

    saya suka megi citan asli,ayam,kari,asam laksa dan lain2 keraa rasanya yg sedap..tambah2 perisa asli dimakan dgn nasi,cili api potog dan telur mata memang bertambah2,

  17. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Favourite instant noodles

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2017

    I love to have Cintan well-stocked in my pantry because it always provides me with the wonderful taste of authentic chicken broth whenever I’m feeling under the weather or just craving for a quick meal on weekdays. I especially like that the noodles are so full of texture and that the broth so well-rounded. If I ever need a product besides rice to finish up my leftovers, I will always depend on Cintan noodles as they never fail to impress me and my family with the dishes they can whip up. I normally serve these noodles with leftovers from last night or simply with eggs and vegetables. I love it and most of all, it keeps my tummy feeling satisfied and warm.

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