Sunkist Juice

Product Details

Sunkist, the expert in orange-based juices, captures the goodness of Sunkist Oranges in one pack. Only the best Sunkist oranges go into making Sunkist Juice so you’re guaranteed a fresh drink bursting with healthy, wholesome qualities. Sunkist juices are high in vitamins available in Orange, Apple, Orange + Lemon,Orange 100% and Orange NFC. They are high in Vitamin C, rich in fibre and a healthier alternative to carbonated, alcoholic or caffeinated beverages. Sunkist juices are also available in trendy single serve handy packs.

  1. Shika43
    687 reviews

    My favorite ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 13, 2019

    Sunkist Juice penuh rasa buah sebenar dan variasi perisa sangat sedap serta menyegarkan… Saya dan family sangat menyukai Sunkist Juice kerana mempunyai sari buah dan pekat serta manis sesuai dinikmati sejuk²…. Jika travel Sunkist Juice adalah pelengkap kecerian saya..

  2. Ketupat25
    6 reviews

    My kinda juice

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2018

    Diffrent from other brands that put more sugar rather than juice. The taste of this sunkist juice especially the orange reminds me of how my father used to made using real oranges. You can taste the sweet sour and the bitterness of the juice like it is freshly squeeze you made yourself using sunkist oranges. Keep it refrigerated as it intend to go bad within hours after opening.

  3. Pinky Bibi
    44 reviews

    It tastes so fresh

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 30, 2017

    This Orange juice is sooo refreshing and tastes so different from other orange juices. It tastes so fresh and like Im eating a bunch of oranges but without all the work.

  4. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Hanya manis & kurang berperisa

    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 25, 2017

    Satu lagi perisa jus sunkist yg sy cuba.Sunkist apple dan sy mmg kurang gemarkan rasa jusnya.Mmg rasa bukan seperti jus apple yg sebenar,hanya manis dan kurang rasa.Suami pun kurang suka.Tiada yg istimewa dgn jus apple sunkist ni.Mngkin sy lebih memilih jus apple jenama lain pada harga yg sama.

  5. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Jus yg mmbantu sistem penghadaman.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 14, 2017

    Jus yg mmbantu sistem penghadaman saya.Rasa jus oren sunkist ni mmg sgt berperisa seperti jus oren yg diperah segar,ditambah dgn sari pulpa oren sebenar yg mnambah kenikmatannya.Sedap dinikmati sejuk,mmg mnyegarkan.

  6. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Sunkist epal terlalu manis

    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 12, 2017

    Saya telah mencuba sunkist oren mmg sedap,tapi lain dengan sunkist epal ni.Rasanya terlalu manis dan seperti terlalu bnyak perisa tambahan,seperti dua jenama berbeza.Mgkin lebih sedap jika kurangkan kemanisan dan tambah sesuatu yg menarik sprti hirisan aloe vera ranggup dlm jus ni,saya mgkin akn membelinya lg.

  7. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Rasa bukan seperti jus epal sebenar

    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2017

    Jus sunkist berperisa epal sgt pelik rasanya.Terlalu manis dan bnyak mngandungi perisa tambahan.Rasanya mmg bukan seperti jus epal sebenar.Saya kurang sukakannya,dan mgkin tidak akan mmbeli lagi sunkist epal.Mgkin sy lebih memilih jus epal yg terasa sprti jus sebenar.

  8. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Jus dgn sari pulpa oren sebenar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2017

    Saya telah cuba minuman sunkist berperisa oren.Sangat sedap,rasa jus oren sebenar dengan sari pulpa oren yg segar dan berjus.Mmg jus yg sgt sedap dinikmati ketika sejuk,mnyegarkan.Rasanya mmg agak kuat berperisa dan saya sukakannya.Harganya pun berpatutan utk dibeli.

  9. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    sweet and refreshing

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    Sunkist Juice is sweet and refreshing. It is rich with Vitamin C and fiber which is good for the health. I like to drink it when it is cold. It can be easily obtained from hypermarkets and convenient stores. Its price is affordable.

  10. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    A great addition to your breakfast.

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2017

    A great addition to your breakfast. The flavor is very rich with orange tasteAlso great for a snack or when you’re just craving something sweet. A great source of vitamin c.

  11. leekahseng12
    323 reviews

    A bit Sour A bit Sweet

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 2, 2017

    Sunkist orange drinks is my love!
    This orange juice taste like a bit sour + a bit sweet!! Tasty drinks!

  12. HaizanRaz64
    112 reviews

    Rasa oren sebenar

    3 out of 5, reviewed on May 25, 2017

    Jus dengan rasa oren sebenar..Agak masam dan saya selalu tambah air untuk menghilangkan rasa masam itu..Kaya dengan vitamin c dan sesuai untuk yang berdiet..

  13. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Artificial and sweet

    2 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    I dislike this drink because the taste is really artificial with no pulp and lots of sugar. I dislike it because it also contains a lot preservatives that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. It is full of sugar and full of excessive flavourings which make it a turn off to consume. Not only that, I also dislike the fact that the drink is so orange almost to the point of it being synthetic. Not my cup of tea, or shall I say, not my cup of juice.

  14. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Best drinks forever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 16, 2017

    Sunkist Juice is rich with Vitamin C and fiber which is good for the health. It taste so delicious and very nice to drink during the hot time. It has many other flavours which we can choose. My favourite is orange because it is very tasty and orange is rich with Vitamin C that is good for the skin and hair. It is good for the digestion as it is highly with the fiber. The packaging is very nice and suitable to bring along during picnic or outdoor activities. The price also very affordable and can be purchased from the supermarket. Worth to purchase as it has great benefits when the adults or the children drink Sunkist juice. I would recommend this drinks to everyone.

  15. Aznor Azizul
    153 reviews

    If You Want It Fresher Than Make It Yourself

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 23, 2017

    The fresh orange juice that you might want to have everyday because it is not only pure and fresh but also nutritious in its own way. Besides i love that it comes with the value pack which is cheap and affordable.

    The best thing about this fruit juice is that I believe the brand so much that I have high hope that it will not disappoint me whenever I need a fresh orange juice.

  16. atikah1059
    25 reviews

    Pure fresh

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2017

    The juice flavoured is original no added water or sugar…. Love this drink.. I alwas drink in the morning as my breakfast

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