b.liv Feel No Sluggish
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Description: This rejuvenating mask splashes your face with antioxidants and cell-revitalizing nutrients, which pave the way for young and vibrant skin without toil! Feel no sluggish blossoms your skin with long-haul invigoration, by imbuing a little magic in your stem cells.…
b.liv Bright Is Right
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Description: Chase away clouds that darken your complexion; leaving it glowing, even-toned and worthy of admirations! Bright is right miraculously lightens your complexion and heightens its reflective properties by refining and smoothening skin texture, ensuring skin glows with a new transparency.…
b.Liv Leach Me
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Description: This appeasing mask hydrates, brightens, & prevents aging signs with one mask! Leach me latch on to your dry, dull, deteriorating skin – and feel it moisturize and fortify from within. The mask acts fast, burrowing its special nutrients into…