Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3
Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3

Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3

Product Details

Similac Gain Plus® Gold is formulated with Nucleotides and Eye-Q® System. Nucleotides are the building blocks of your child’s well-being and helps to strengthen from within. Eye-Q® system contains a unique blend of 10 key nutrients for overall brain development.

Similac Gain Plus® Gold is the only formula with Nucleotides and Eye-Q® system.

Help your child keep learning by keeping them strong. The first few years are the most important period of your child’s brain development. It is when their brain grows rapidly.

Which is why keeping your child strong during this critical period is important for their development. If your child frequently falls sick, they may not be able to concentrate and learn.

Hence, keeping them strong is important for faster learning.

Similac Gain Plus® Gold with combination of nucleotides to strengthen from within and Eye-Q® System for overall brain development.

Produk susu Similac Gain Plus Gold Langkah 3 untuk kanak-kanak berusia 1-3 tahun oleh pengeluar produk makanan dan minuman yang terkenal, Abbott Laboratories Sdn Bhd memberi jaminan untuk terus menawarkan produk berkhasiat dan terbaik untuk anak anda. Formulasi unik Similac Gain Plus Gold Langkah 3 termasuk kandungan 2-FL yang merupakan oligasakarida semula jadi serta kandungan Nukleotida yang menyokong sistem imun anak anda. Selain itu, Similac Gain Plus Gold Langkah 3 juga mengandungi Sistem Nutrisi Eye-Q (Lutein, Vitamin E semula jadi dan DHA) yang merupakan formula khusus untuk perkembangan sistem otak dan menyokong pembelajaran pantas. Semua ini menjadikannya susu pilihan ibu bapa masa kini yang mahukan hanya yang terbaik anak mereka. Ini kerana pemakanan yang baik merupakan asas kepada pembangunan dalaman khususnya minda, emosi dan fizikal.

MAL.2022.28390.SIM.1 Jun/24

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  1. fifienasir63
    1 reviews

    I’m happy he loves this glass of milk which more nutritious, healthier and tastier.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    My son is a fussy eater, therefore it is very challenging to deal with him especially when it comes to making them drink or meals. After let him tried this Similac® Gain Plus Gold, he loves it because it tastes yummy, not too sweet and made him full too. Its nutrient package which provides my so sufficient calories and nutritions to make him feel more energetic, stay focus and enjoy the rest of the day after he had this milk in the early morning.

  2. Yippie30
    22 reviews

    She get more energy after drink it!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    My child is able to focus on the things around her with the help of Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3. She has a lot more energy during the day. My little one was a slow eater and it’s hard to get her to finish her food. But now, with Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3, I can rest assured knowing that she is getting all the nutrients she needs to grow.

  3. ChengWei32
    31 reviews

    Best milk powder

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    I love this product. My child has been drinking this for about a week now and I have noticed that he is more energetic and enthusiastic in his activities. The product tastes good and the formula is easy to mix. I recommend this for any parents who want to get the most out of their child’s potential.

  4. Bumiee19
    23 reviews

    Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    Similac Gain Plus Gold Step 3 really helped my child gain a healthy weight. She was underweight and had a hard time gaining weight being a fussy eater. I tried other milk formulas but this is the one that really worked for her. She has gained weight and it has also helped with her general health and energy levels.

  5. Maggie MG
    30 reviews

    Great taste nutritious milk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 7, 2023

    My daughter is a fussy eater, therefore it is very challenging to deal with her especially when it comes to making them drink or meals. After let her tried this Similac® Gain Plus Gold Step 3, she loves it because it tastes yummy, not too sweet and made her feel full too. Its nutrient package which provides my daughter sufficient calories and nutritions to make her feel more energetic, stay more focus and enjoy the rest of the day after she had this milk in the early morning.

    I’m happy she loves this glass of milk which more nutritious, healthier and tastier.

  6. Sunny Sunshine
    2 reviews

    Susu berkhasiat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 6, 2023

    Alhamdulillah , susu yg bagus dan terbaik buat anak-anak . Anak-anak sangat suka.

  7. sujeng36
    5 reviews

    similac Gain Plus® Gold Review

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 1, 2023

    Similac Gain Plus® Gold is formulated with nucleotides, the building blocks of my child’s health, and the Eye-Q® system to help strengthen them from within. Plus the Eye-Q® System, which contains a unique blend of 10 key nutrients, also boosts my child’s brain development, which is why I have my child drink Similac Gain Plus® Gold

  8. Hakimah Wadzir
    1 reviews

    Similac Gain Plus Gold

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 25, 2022

    One of the best milk that my son drink. It has good combination of DHA for my son’s mental and vision development. Besides, it has the essential vitamins and minerals for my son’s growth and developments. It is true as my son still has his milk teeth intact as calcium in Similac Gain Plus has help in the development of strong bones and teeth for my son.

  9. Suny
    30 reviews

    Peekembangan Mental Dan Penglihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 24, 2022

    Saya pilih Susu Similac Gain Plus Gold untuk anak saya kerana ia dapat memberikan nutrien lengkap seperti DHA, Lutein dan Vitamin E semula jadi, baik untuk perkembangan mental dan penglihatan. Terbaru, ia diformulasi dengan gabungan 2′-FL yang menyokong sistem imun dalam usus anak manakala kandungan nukleotida membina DNA
    untuk membantu menguatkan sistem pertahanan anak. Saya gembira melihat anak saya belajar dengan cepat, mempunyai daya tahan penyakit tinggi dan pembesarannya optimum. Dia sukakan rasa Susu Similac Gain Plus Gold dan ia memang sesuai untuk anak saya.

  10. Yuyu11124
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2022

    The reason why I choose Similac Gain Plus Gold is because of the ingredients and it is formulated with Nucleotides and Eye-Q® System .
    My little girl is now 2 year-old Initially i was too nervous to make the switch (formula milk from brand A), but it has been totally seamless and she hasn’t had any issues. I always wanted my daughter to grow up healthily and develops well. My little girl just loves it. Similac Gain Plus Gold is a smart choice for mummies who are looking for pure nutrient and Vitamin E & DHA for overall brain development to support fast learning. Get this for your little one.

  11. eykadahlan
    17 reviews

    Good digestion and high nutrient

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 27, 2021

    Formula milk brand that i give my daughter since newborn as i didnt have much milk that time.Turn out this milk is suit her well and good digestion.She still drink it until today. I can see my daughter grow well and she’s active.rarely fall sick .

  12. ChrisNg54
    6 reviews

    Gentle to tummy and no sugar added

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2021

    My son definitely loves Similac Gain Plus. He has quite a sensitive tummy and does not agree to many other milk formula. Fortunately this milk is gentle to his tummy. The taste is natural and not very sweet. This is the best supplement to picky eaters because it has complete nutrition in a single serving. I believe Similac Gain Plus Gold, enables my son to grow stronger with good defense system for fast learning.

  13. Ushalni39
    17 reviews

    Review of similac

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2021

    My daughter was having constipation problem when i try and error milk step 3 for me. She was not suitable for any. But when i tried similac step 3,it really fit her digestion and it gives a lot of energy for her. She just love it

  14. Jeannietoh90
    36 reviews

    Easy to digest, better bowl movements

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2021

    My child loves the taste! She would ask for it 2-3 times a day. After taking Similac Gain Plus Gold, it improves the bowel movement. She no longer has hard time taking attendance in the toilet daily. Similac supports my child growing needs and suits her taste. I’m happy to continue to offer Similac to my little one!

  15. Wong Seng
    1 reviews

    We love Similac Gain plus !

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2021

    I researched for several formulated milk powder for my daughter and finally I found Similac Gain Plus Gold is the best and most suitable for my kid! It’s
    Formulated with 2′-FL and Nucleotides to support immunity so that my child can stay healthy and happy all the time. Stronger body for better learning! Will recommend for all my friends and families.

  16. Lk Chloe
    5 reviews

    Similac Gain Plus Gold is the best for my kid!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2021

    Similac Gain Plus Gold is The World’s First Formula with 2′-FL, NUCLEOTIDES & EYE-Q® NUTRITION SYSTEM !  EYE-Q® NUTRITION SYSTEM is a unique blend of Lutein, Natural Vitamin E & DHA ! ❤️ It is good for my kid overall brain development to support fast learning Yes, i believe stronger body for better learning!
    My little swetheart loves Similac so much at her first drink with it’s good taste. I observed she has healthy bowel movement and no more constipation. Good digestion allowing my little sweetheart to have more energy and spirit to enjoy all kinds of activities with me and we have beautiful memories that last forever. ????

    8 reviews

    Similac Gain Gold Plus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2021

    As a mother, l hope that my son has enough nutrition for his growth and development so l have been finding a milk powder that suit his taste. It is until l try Similac Gain Plus Gold and finally l find the right one for him. He really love the taste and it contains all the nutrition he needs. I am happy that l find the right one for him.

  18. Vicky Tan
    1 reviews

    Similac Gain Plus Gold

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 20, 2021

    Similac Gain Plus Gold, the world’s first formula with 2’-FL & nucleotides and Eye-Q® system to enable child to grow stronger with good defense system for fast learning. It also contains a unique vegetable oil blend that has better DHA absorption, Lutein, and Natural Vitamin E that protects DHA from oxidation and combinations of certain nutrients that enable more brain cell connections.

    Hence, Similac Gain Plus Gold enhances my baby boy Jayden’s immune system, strengthens him, and nourishing brain development. Not just this, it good taste too!?

    Another reason I like because I can earn CarePoints and make redemption. Good value added??

    Thanks @my100comments ❤️

  19. Izzatul39
    5 reviews

    Berat badan naik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 17, 2021

    SIMILAC GAIN PLUS GOLD ini memberikan khasiat nutrien kepada anak saya yg sedang aktif membesar. Lgpula Marissa turns 1y tahun ini dan sy dah start introduce Marissa kpd susu formula. Waktu umur Marissa skrg ini dia mula lasak dan sgt aktif. Disebabkan itu la berat badan Marissa merosot ?
    Setelah beberapa hari sy memberinya minum, sy dah perasan berat badan Marissa mula rasa berat sedikit apabila didukung ?. Sy bersyukur sebab susu SIMILAC GAIN PLUS GOLD ini telah membantu menaikkan berat badan baby girl sy ??. Marissa pon dah mula suka minum SIMILAC GAIN PLUS GOLD ini ?☺️
    Tq 100Comments ??

  20. JacelynOng42
    11 reviews

    Similac Gain Gold Plus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 14, 2021

    What i love about this formulation of Similac Gain Plus is that it isn’t too sweet and the price range is very affordable too. In addition to the above, I also like the packaging of the Similac Gain Plus because it is very sturdy and the color is very pleasant too ^.^! There was nothing that i disliked about it.

  21. rosemarywong12354
    12 reviews

    I love it!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 13, 2021

    Similac Gain Plus Gold is formulated with Eye-Q Nutrition System, a unique combination of DHA, Lutein and Natural Vitamin E for overall mental development and also helps to protect eyes. It also contains Nucleotides, FOS & Inulin to support better inside out together with other essential minerals and vitamin such as protein, zinc, calcium and Vitamin D. It consists of much natural goodness that helps to support the growth and development of my little one, physically, emotionally and mentally. I am glad that my daughter loves Similac Gain Plus very much and she has been enjoying her milk session happily without any allergies or bowel problems.

  22. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Pricey formula milk but full of nutrients needed by kids

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    Similac Gain Plus step 3 is expensive but it is full of nutrients needed by kids. It provides essential nutrients to my kids which is important for their brain development. It contains high DHA which is good for his brain development. He is active and learning fast in everything. But its price is pricey

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