Silkygirl Long Wearing Eyeliner

Product Details

Waterproof and smudge-proof, you can depend on this product to give your eyes precise definition. With high volatile silicone content, this liner stays loyal to your eyes all day. With Vitamin C Derivatives to nourish and care for your lids. Also contains Vitamin E to preserve moisture and protect against aging.

  1. mimizaidi93
    16 reviews

    Senang dibasuh

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2018

    Memang sejak dari dulu lg Eyeliner dari silkygirl ni la yang jadi pilihan saya… senang dipakai dan mudah dicuci. penggunnaan yg tahan lebih lama. saya tak akan bertukar kepada yang lain.

  2. Verrone24
    28 reviews

    easy to use!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2018

    i have repurchase this product for the third time! this is so nice and super affordable especially for student! it lasts for the whole outing and it also helps to draw a sharp line 🙂

  3. Skhr74
    7 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    This was my holygrail eyeliner when I was in my Avril Lavigne Goth emo phase. Super creamy and pigmented, honestly super good for tightlining. I’ve never once doubted eyeliners from silkygirl. Cant believe the good quality liners they put out

  4. Ienja63
    3 reviews

    My favourite eyeliner

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 10, 2018

    This is Waterproof and smudge-proof eyeliner which will lasting for several hours and suitable ro ise during working hours and for outdoor activities. It is affordable. Easily to apply and easily to wipe out by using makeup remover and wipe tissues.

  5. Intanfarel06
    6 reviews

    Ok la

    3 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Suka pakai ni sbb harga berpatutan, boleh la untuk yang mula2 nk berjinak dengan make up,

  6. Ida Anum
    42 reviews

    Senang digunakan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 28, 2018

    Sgt senang digunakan.. Warna yg pekat hanya dgn 1 lapisan sudah mencukupi.. Juga sgt senang untuk di cuci.. Saya sangat berpuas Hati Dengan Harga yg ditawarkan..? ?

  7. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    It's easy to use and apply

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 11, 2017

    this liner and it never migrates to my lower lash line or anywhere else for that matter. It’s easy to use and apply but then it does not last long. I would say about 5 hours and then it starts to smudge

  8. Nurul Ain Shaari
    32 reviews

    Long Lasting Eyeliner

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 7, 2017

    Memang sejak dari dulu lg Eyeliner dari silkygirl ni la yang jadi pilihan saya… senang dipakai dan tidak bercapuk.. penggunnaan yg tahan lebih dari 6jam.Mmg saya tak akan pilih yang lain.

  9. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    Comot bila pakai lama-lama

    3 out of 5, reviewed on September 28, 2017

    Mascara ni saya tak suka sebab bila pakai lama2 dia comot. Harga dia murah berbanding brand lain tapi kualiti kurang sikit.

    Dan eyeliner ni cepat hilang. Jadi kerap nak kena touch up balik.

  10. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Warna kurang cantik

    2 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Eyeliner ini saya kurang gemar kerana warnanya agak pucat dan tidak terang jika dilukis pada mata.
    Membuatkan mata kurang berseri dan galak seperti yang diiginkan.
    Juga tidak berapa tahan lama dan cair terkena peluh.

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