Playgro High Chair Spinning Toys

Product Details

The High Chair Spinning Toy offers two fantastic toys in one! The suction base easily attaches to any surface, great for entertaining baby whilst dining in or out. The detachable rattle is the ideal shape for baby to spin and swing encouraging gross motor skills, or the click-clack beads and silky ribbons can be used for fine motor skill development.


– Rattle & click-clack sound for auditory stimulation
– Different textures for tactile development
– Teething beads soothe sore gums

  1. Aishah Norjamaeyah
    137 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2017

    Playgro high chair spining toy ni sangat berguna kepada bayi. Bukan sahaja ia menghilangkan kebosanan mereka apabila berada di atas kerusi bayi, malah mainan ni juga dapat meningkatkan dan mencungkil minda mereka. Warna-warna dan rekabentuknya juga menarik minat bayi untuk bermain dengannya. Mereka boleh menikmati makanan sambil bermain dalam masa yang sama.

  2. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 13, 2017

    I have this on my baby’s high chair & she loves it. I like that it keeps her entertained while I’m getting her food ready, or just to give her some play time while I’m in the kitchen. The top spinning piece pulls out of the holder easily by my child. Also to wash it, soapy water gets trapped inside the middle clear piece and takes a long time to dry out.

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