Pal Sweet® Sweetener

Product Details

Pal Sweet® is a sugar free sweetener with natural sweet taste to let to fully enjoy the daily sweetness with low calories by just replacing sugar with Pal Sweet® in all type of the favourite beverages. It is also strongly recommended for diabetic user with no increase of the glucose level.

  1. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Pengganti gula untuk pesakit diabetes

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 18, 2017

    Pal sweet ni mmpunyai rasa manis semulajadi yg mmg sgt sesuai utk ibu sy yg mnghidap diabetes.Selalunya saya tambahkan sikit dlm minumannnya,mmpu mngurangkan kepahitan kopi dan rasa manisnya seimbang.Serbuknya sgt halus dan mudah larut di dlm air,tiada rasa seperi gula merah.Harga pun masih berbaloi dibeli,1 pek juga tahan lama dan jimat dari segi penggunaan.

  2. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Pel Sweet,pemanis semulajadi

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Saya dh mencuba pemanis pal sweet ni utk ayh sy yg mghidap kncing manis..mmg elok & jimat..hnya tambah sikit ke dlm air utk rasa manis semulajadi..ianya mmg elok utk pesakit diabetes..tapi mgkin saya lebih memilih tekstur cecair seperti pemanis Stevia,lebih senang digunakan.

  3. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Prefer stevia instead

    2 out of 5, reviewed on June 6, 2017

    I don’t like using this because it reminds me of white sugar even though it claims to be a healthier version of the said former. It pours out as fine as white sugar and can be used to sweeten teas, coffee, fruit juices, chocolate and even used in baking. I personally do not consume too much of this as I prefer stevia instead. Comes in convenient sachets to carry around or even in the form of a small canister much resembling like a floss container in supermarkets.

  4. Rebecca Koay
    150 reviews

    One packet for one cup

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 15, 2017

    Frankly, I prefer using brown sugar compared to artificial sweetness replacers such as Pal-Sweet. However, my household who has diabetes people still choose to go for Pal Sweet. They will add Pal Sweet to coffee or tea. One small pack is sufficient for one cup.

  5. miera97
    132 reviews

    Pal Sweet® Sweetener

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 24, 2017

    Pal Sweet® Sweetener boleh di campurkan bersama minuman seperti nes dan kopi.. pada saya minuman yang agak pahit amat sesuai kerana kemanisan pal sweet ini dapat membantu mengurangkan rasa pahit, rasa yang manis seperti gula, 22mg setiap paket kecil,

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