Why choose NIGHT MOOD?

Night Mood contains
natural ingredients of plants and herbs and can relieve insomnia, reduce anxiety and depression,
and relax

  • Gluten-free and allergies free
  • Dairy-free
  • No preservatives
  • Vegetarian food
  • Natural
  • Non-toxic and independent



(13 Reviews)

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Tidur Lena, Badan Cergas Bertenaga

Saya seorang suri rumah sepenuh masa. Menguruskan 3 orang anak bermula di awal pagi hingga malam memang memenatkan. Badan sangat penat, stress dan tak cukup tidur. Ianya menjadi kebiasaan bagi saya, kadang-kadang susah sangat nak melelapkan mata, padahal badan sangat penat setelah seharian melakukan kerja rumah dan menguruskan anak.
Tetapi, setelah saya diberi peluang oleh pihak 100Comments untuk mencuba Night Mood, saya sangat lah bersyukur. Selepas je mengambil 1 sachet sebelum tidur, saya senang je tidur. Tidur dengan lena dan bangun awal pagi dengan bertenaga, tiada rasa lemah dan lenguh badan. Memang sangat ketara perubahan bila saya mengamalkan Night Mood ini. Saya kurang stress,dan cergas bertenaga sepanjang hari. Malam-malam saya kini sangat menyenangkan kerana tiada lagi masalah susah tidur.
Saya juga suka sangat denga rasa Night Mood. Rasanya yang manis masam dari ekstrak buah-buahan sangat sedap. Rasa macam tak cukup jer 1 sachet setiap malam ?
Terima kasih 100Comments kerana memberi peluang untuk saya mencuba Night Mood ini. Memang sangat bermanfaat buat saya. Suka sangat dengan Night Mood. ?❤???

Tidur lena dengan Night Mood..

Saya seorang surirumah yang mempunyai tiga orang cahaya mata.. Menguruskan rumah memang agak meletihkan dan kadangkala stress dengan pelbagai masalah anak-anak.. Bila saya stress memang agak sukar untuk tidur tetapi setelah mengambil night mood saya mudah tidur dan lena sepanjang malam. Bila bangun pagi saya rasa lebih tenang, segar dan ceria, jadi saya dapat uruskan keluarga dengan baik. Rasanya juga sedap, bahan-bahan natural dan senang untuk dibawa kemana-mana..

Night Mood Awesome!!

Night mood是全天然成份采用科技提纯,能有效帮助缓解失眠症状并提升我们的睡眠品质。果然没错,我试过后真的可以帮到我一觉睡到天亮。Night mood 真的可以提高睡眠质,重要的是不会有头昏头痛现象,不会导致记忆力减退 ,而且没有任何副作用,也全无依赖性。所以,我们可以安全使用,健康不受影响。第二天早上,精神还比之前更好,工作更能专注。这样,工作效率也提高了。


因为我妈年纪大了,整天都说自己在晚上都睡不着,还说很难入睡之类的烦恼。所以我一见同事介绍就赶紧让我妈试一试,毕竟失眠可是很损害健康啊!刚好趁着新年期间很需要安眠保健品,因为我妈白天不只是上班,晚上更是要忙着准备家中的所有新年事物和祭拜仪式用品等等,充沛的精神才能提高一天的效率。所以她每晚在入睡前都会吃一包的night mood,然后在床上等待睡意的到来。她在刚开始试用时就大赞night mood没有所谓的“药水”感觉,反而像是果汁粉一样好味道,让她不会排斥继续服用。不过一开始我妈说并没有特别“想睡”感觉,毕竟这不是安眠药嘛。她只是觉得吃了Night mood的身体情绪会比较放松,没有像之前那样越睡不着就越压力之类的。之后的几天后,我妈就高兴说即使还是有点失眠,但是只要吃了night mood的隔天早上会感觉精神特别好、精神特别充沛,7天之后还说早上一起床都不会没有精神,也不会感觉到失眠的疲累了!我妈在吃完一盒night mood 之后,还很积极要自己去买多几盒,毕竟天然无副作用的安眠保健品实在很少见!不过她还说吃了Night mood 会感觉很口干,所以提醒大家要多喝水、多喝水、多喝水!

Chemical and drug-free relaxation

I'd like to think that I am the kind of person who can sleep with ease and does not require help to doze off, but apparently, age has a way of proving me wrong. As I get older, I realise that the problems I used to witness in my late dad seem to be developing in me too, for it is getting a tad difficult to fall asleep (and stay asleep) for the night. I'm so relieved to have discovered Night Mood (love it's suggestive name, although it actually has kind of a 'not tonight, I'm sleepy" effect, Lol!) Ever since I started taking it, it has made me feel more relaxed during bedtime and I'm able to get a really good night's sleep! I love that it is made from all-natural ingredients too, so it isn't risky to take in. I think anyone who wants a good night's sleep should try it.

Tidur malam lena, bangun pagi ceria

Saya makan satu sachet Night Mood pada setiap malam sebelum tidur dan saya dapat tidur dengan lena tanpa terjaga pada waktu malam. Apabila bangun pada waktu pagi, saya menjadi ceria tanpa sebarang keletihan dan dapat melakukan aktiviti seharian dengan cergas dan sihat. Night Mood mempunyai sachet yang kecil dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana dan boleh dimakan setiap malam sebelum tidur untuk mengurangkan mengahadapi masalah stress setiap hari di tempat kerja.

Good supplement!

Night Mood is a gluten-free and allergies free, no preservatives, natural ingredients from plants and herbs and can relieve insomnia, reduce anxiety and depression, and even can make your mind relax, when you wake in the morning, you will feel so light, calm and relax, event during your sleeping time you will not realized that its already time to wake. Feel very comfort and harmony.

Try and feel it for yourself. it's really help to me and i love it as i am a person that is hardly sleep and when i consumed this it will help me to sleep a bit early and this really make me happy because i will get my early sleep to rest.

Really Help ME!

Night Mood is natural ingredients of plants and herbs and can relieve insomnia, reduce anxiety and depression and relaxing your mind.
Its safe as it gluten-free, free from allergies ,dairy-free, no preservatives and its natural


This product helps you to release stress and sleep problem. It works well after a few drinks. But it depends on your situation. And lastly, It tastes good and suitable for everyone.

Feel relax

Night Mood memberikan rasa Segar setiap pagi Dan Saya mudah untuk tidur selepas amalkan pengambilan Night Mood.. pack kecil mudah dibawa kemana-mana Dan texture yang sangat sedap...

Cute botanical mixes

First time I opened this box I saw cute sachets. Cute and nice packaging for sachets and box. Quite confusing for me as I read it said mixed botanical beverage and the direction only mention to direct oral consume before bed which means just take as it. 3g per sachet in one shot finished. I always feel happy after taking it because it taste nice and I like it so much.


It's help you to relieve stress, anxiety and sleep well. When you wake up in the morning you feel calm and fresh.
The taste is good, very friendly to my taste.


Night mood's natural formula helps to provide stress and anxiety relief quickly. It helps to relieve stress, anxiety and quickly to calm the mind and assists in mood support.

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