Morinaga Chil-kid
Morinaga Chil-kid

Morinaga Chil-kid

Product Details

Morinaga Formula Milk was introduced to Malaysia in 1968 and was the first Japanese milk formula sold here. Backed by more than 100 years of extensive scientific research, it is halal-certified and has been providing high-quality nutrition to three generations in Malaysians.

Morinaga Chil-kid is a well-balanced growing up milk formula that is packed with more than 45 essential nutrients including AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nucleotides, Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 key nutrients to promote healthy growth & development for children from age 1 to 7. It is specially formulated with the optimal balance of AA+DHA, Protein, Fat and Energy to cater to the nutrition needs of Asian children.

Morinaga Chil-kid is produced in a state-of-the-art plant in Netherlands with strict compliance to international quality control process. Parents can be assured of the highest standards of quality, nutrition, hygiene and safety.

Morinaga Chil-kid is the favourite choice of all mothers who demand the best for their kids!

*Coupled With Proper Nutrition From Complementary Food.
*NCCFN (2017). Recommended Nutrient Intakes For Malaysia. A Report Of The Technical Working Group On Nutritional Guidelines. National Coordinating Committee On Food And Nutrition, Ministry Of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya.

Susu Formula Morinaga telah diperkenalkan di Malaysia pada 1968 dan merupakan jenama susu pertama dari Jepun yang dijual di sini. Disokong dengan kajian saintifik yang mendalam sejak lebih 100 tahun, susu yang diperakui halal ini membekalkan nutrisi berkualiti tinggi kepada pengguna Malaysia sejak tiga generasi yang lalu.

Morinaga Chil-kid ialah susu formula perkembangan kanak-kanak yang seimbang dengan lebih 45 nutrien penting termasuk AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nukleotida, Omega 3&6 LCPs dan 27 nutrien utama yang mempromosi perkembangan dan pembangunan sihat dalam kalangan kanak-kanak berusia 1 hingga 7 tahun. Ia dirumus khas dengan keseimbangan optima AA+DHA, Protein, Lemak dan Tenaga untuk melengkapi keperluan nutrisi kanak-kanak Asia.

Morinaga Chil-kid dihasilkan di kilang canggih seni khas di Belanda dengan piawaian pematuhan yang tegas selari dengan proses kawalan kualiti antarabangsa. Ibu bapa dijamin dengan standard kualiti, nutrisi, kebersihan dan keselamatan tahap tertinggi.

Morinaga Chil-kid merupakan pilihan kegemaran semua ibu yang mahukan hanya yang terbaik untuk anak mereka!

*Harus disertakan dengan nutrisi sebenar dari makanan pelengkap.
*NCCFN (2017). Pengambilan Nutrien yang disyorkan di Malaysia. Laporan oleh Kumpulan Kerja Teknikal Terhadap Garis Panduan Nutrisi. Ahli Jawatankuasa Penyelaras Pemakanan dan Nutrisi Kebangsaan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Putrajaya.

日本森永配方奶粉于1968年引入马来西亚,也是首个在本地销售的日本配方奶粉。经过一百多年来对幼儿奶粉的深入研究,制造 技术始终领先于世界先进水平,有关配方获得了清真认证,至今已为至少三代的马来西亚人提供孩童时期所需的均衡营养。

日本森永旗下推出的 Morinaga Chil-kid 配方奶粉,是日本独特研发配方。它富含45种必需营养素,包括 AA+DHA、GOS、5 种核苷酸、Omega 3和6以及其它27种的关键营养素,有助促进1至7岁的儿童健康成长与发育。 其AA + DHA、蛋白质、脂肪和能量等成分比例是根据亚洲孩童体质所配制,更符合亚洲儿童的营养需求。

Morinaga Chil-kid 配方奶粉生产于荷兰最先进厂房,经过严格的国际质量控制生产流程,再三确保孩子们的健康与安全。Morinaga Chil-kid 配方奶粉集合四大最高标准——质量、营养、卫生和安全,父母从此可以更放心陪伴孩童健康成长。Morinaga Chil-kid配 方奶粉是宝妈们的最爱!

*根据NCCFN 2017报告,马来西亚人的营养摄入量建议。此为一项营养指南报告,源自马来西亚卫生部国家食品和营养协调委员会

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  1. Yippie30
    22 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    My kids love it. They very enjoy to drink the milk.

  2. ChengWei32
    31 reviews

    My child loves it so much

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    I am so relieved that my child loves Morinaga Chil-Kid! Finding a milk formula that my child will actually drink can be a real challenge. Not only does my child love the taste of this milk formula, he is energetic, happy and always eager to try new foods and explore his environment. I feel confident that this formula is providing him with all the necessary nutrients he needs to thrive.

  3. Bumiee19
    23 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2023

    I now know why many parents and children choose Morinaga Chil-Kid – my child loves the taste! Additionally, he did not experience experience any adverse effects after consuming it for two weeks, making it a safe and healthy option for him. I highly recommend Morinaga Chil-Kid to any parent looking for a high-quality milk formula for their child. It has made a huge difference in my child’s development and overall well-being.

  4. NG Ruby
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 12, 2022

    我儿子从喝奶粉阶段开始就喝Morinaga配方奶粉 一直喝到现在。Morinaga奶粉无疑是一个可以让父母们安心的品牌,它的成分含盖双岐杆益菌,让年幼的孩子预防腹泻和感染,激发身体的免疫剂改善肠道菌群的成长。奶粉成分确保小孩的重要器官组织发展及操作有着帮助。有了Morinaga奶粉均匀的营养配方,孩子们能开心的长大。谢谢Morinaga让我儿子每天都享用着营养均衡的奶粉,让她天天活力充沛,快乐成长。

  5. connienee30
    144 reviews

    Good for little tummies and naturally tasty.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2022

    My little girl claimed Morinaga Chil-kid toodler milk is naturally tasty, less sweet and supply her better energy level throughout the day. She is kind of picky eater and been refusing to drink formula milk since couple months ago.. mainly saying the milk was sweet, upset his stomach or hard stool problem all sort of dissatisfaction.

    Until send us this wonderful Morinaga Chil-kid, she start having Morinaga Chil-kid Toddler milk since last week, she can empty the whole cup and it wasn’t hard on her stomach, she is on her 3rd box now. Pleasant flavor and surprisingly not expensive while it able to provide her all the nutrients she will needs during her crucial growing stage with 45 essential nutrients such as AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nucleotides Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 Vitamins and Minerals.

    She seems less tired and sleep now, and in fact she obtained higher energy and focus level to complete her daily reading, gardening, outdoor sand playing as well as enjoy her skipping & hopping. Thanks to morinaga for such a good quality of milk product and we are very satisfied, and happy to witness our children grow up well with have a wonderful childhood with doing the things she liked.

  6. 小曈
    40 reviews

    Morinaga Chil-kid

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2022

    Morinaga Formula Milk are very well known in Malaysia, the formula milk is suitable for age 1 to 7.

    The formula milk content with over 45 essential nutrients such as AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nucleotides Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 Vitamins and Minerals which are sufficient to satisfy fast-growing children.

    Morinaga Chil-kid milk is my kids’ favorite choice.

  7. ChrisNg54
    6 reviews

    No reflux and no constipation

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2022

    The milk that suits my son most is son and that is Morinaga Chil-kid. It is formulated without any sugar added. Morinaga Chil-kid is packed with over 45 essential nutrients such as AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nucleotides Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 Vitamins and Minerals which are sufficient to satisfy fast-growing children.

    At his tender age, he can already read books by his own. He loves to explore and everyday is a learning journey for him. With a complete nutrition in a glass of milk, I am confident he will have a better immune system to fight against sickness.

    Morinaga Chil-kid goes easy with the tummy. It does not give any reflux and does not constipate. This provides a healthy digestion for stomach to absorb nutrition to the body.

    Try it now for yourself. Morinaga Chil-kid
    is definitely the top choice for all mothers.

  8. ChrisNg54
    6 reviews

    Complete nutrition in 1 glass of milk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2022

    I would do the best for my son and that is to choose the milk that suits him most which is Morinaga Chil-kid. It is formulated without any sugar added. Morinaga Chil-kid is packed with over 45 essential nutrients such as AA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nucleotides Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 Vitamins and Minerals which are sufficient to satisfy fast-growing children.

    At his tender age, he can already read books by his own. He loves to explore and everyday is a learning journey for him. With a complete nutrition in a glass of milk, I am confident he will have a better immune system to fight against sickness.

    Morinaga Chil-kid goes easy with the tummy. It does not give any reflux and does not constipate. This provides a healthy digestion for stomach to absorb nutrition to the body.

    Try it now for yourself. Morinaga Chil-kid
    is definitely the top choice for all mothers.

  9. Jesc
    19 reviews

    Morinaga Chil-kid

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 3, 2022

    My son love to drink this milk with vanilla flavour so much. Morinaga Chil-kid formula is improved with mild and less sweet that really suitable for kids. It is specially formulated with the optimal balance of AA+DHA, Protein, Fat and Energy to cater to the nutrition needs for kids. Just a glass of milk that full with nutrients that keep my son strong and healthy.

  10. rosemarywong12354
    12 reviews

    Great choice for my kids

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 3, 2022

    My daughter really loves the taste and she has good digestion after drinking the milk without experiencing any stomach discomfort, diarrhea or constipation. Morinaga Chil-kid is a formulated milk powder with a mild vanilla taste, containing key nutrients such as ARA + DHA, Nucleotides and dietary finer – Galacto-oligosaccharide to support the growth and development of my kids. It requires only mild heat to prepare a cup of warm milk for my daughter. Seeing her being active, happy and healthy assures me that I am giving her the best nutrition with Morinaga. I will definitely continue to let her consume Morinaga and also recommend it to other parents too. 😚👍

  11. Snoopyin92
    20 reviews

    Morinaga the Best Choice of milk for your child!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 2, 2022

    As a parent, I always look for the best milk that is less sweet with good essential nutrients and ingredients for my child’s growth and development. I’m blessed and thankful I was given an opportunity to let my child try this Morinaga Milk. The Morinaga Chil-kid formula is improved with mild vanilla and less sweet, making it more oishi! My child’s first impression after tasting the vanilla flavour, she gave a thumbs up and immediately asked for more. It is formulated with a balanced ratio of AA & DHA, GOS, and well sufficient amount of 5 Nucleotides, to provide the optimal nutrients for young children from 1 year and above. I was impressed with Morinaga Chil-kid because it was full with nutrients and quality ingredients for my child. More importantly is it less sweet yet tastes good.

  12. sharongsr82321
    54 reviews

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 24, 2021


  13. Wei Wei54
    3 reviews

    Morinaga milk powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 30, 2020

    My baby first formula milk. Its good n Suitable for him.

  14. Zubayr Aaref
    3 reviews

    kids love it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 31, 2019

    Best product and babies really love it. Quality product.

  15. CT
    34 reviews

    My niece loves it!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 5, 2019

    My sister-in-law is always looking for a better milk formula alternative with quality ingredients. And most importantly, it should not be overly sweet. Morinaga Chil-Kid 3 fits the bill as its new formula is less sweet yet tastes great. It also has all the nutrients my niece needs to keep her strong and healthy. It is also filling and keeps her full till the next feeding time and she asks for her next bottle because she loves the taste so much!

  16. Fyzadani01
    72 reviews

    Good for My Kids with Essential Nutrients

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2019

    Anak saya yang berumur 2 tahun dan 7 tahun gemarkan rasa susu berperisa vanilla ini.Seusia mereka ini tahap kesihatan dan perkembangan minda dan otak sedang berlaku, dengan kandungan nutrisi yang sangat diperlukan seperti AA+DHA sesuai untuk otak dan sistem imun.Sistem penghadaman pun tidak mengalami masalah dan saya tidak perlu risau.Susu yang bagus untuk tumbesaran dan setiap hidangan @ segelas susu ini sangat diperlukan untuk anak anak saya sebagai tambahan untuk kesihatan tubuh badan mereka.Anak suka saya pun setuju…love it ✌✌✌

  17. Wany Ban
    19 reviews

    Morinage Milk Powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 14, 2019

    I have two kids, which is 1.8months and 5 years. I give morinage milk powder to both of them, and they like it. Thank you @100comments for give my kids a chance to try a new milk powder.

  18. shiong199150
    3 reviews

    morinaga milk powder

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2018


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