Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner

Product Details

Tags: Method

No-wax, all good. Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner smells so good, you practically want to eat off the floor. We don’t recommend it though. But it is good to know this no-wax formula is non-toxic and biodegradable. Makes you want to throw out the timer on that whole 5-second rule. Plus, the ergonomically designed shower-nozzle spray covers your floors in fewer sweeps and helps avoid puddling.

  1. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Mudah, tak perlu bancuh

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    Ini merupakan pencuci lantai yang paling mudah. Buka penutup terus curahkan atas lantai, dan mop je. Tak perlu bancuh dengan air. Tak melekit, tidak toksid dan mesra alam. Dengan bau lemon, memberi keharuman sekaligus membersihkan lantai rumah saya.

  2. Kong Suet Yee
    15 reviews

    Best Floor cleaner

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    A very cute bottle design floor cleaner. It create a creative way to mop our floor, squirt the liquid out then mop. Is very very easy and save time. It can clean our floor very good too.

  3. wwko17
    36 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    It does the job of ensuring the floor is clean. I prefer to use non-toxic and natural ingredients for floor cleaner, especially when there are kids at home. It smells nice and good environment as well. I would recommend this products really.

  4. Kah Yee
    23 reviews

    Effective floor cleaner

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    I like to use this floor cleaner! It is very convenient that I don’t have to carry a bucket of water around the house to mop the floor and reduce the times of touching the mop.

  5. Jhjhjh25
    20 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    Just apply the liquid directly onto the surface and mop it. Don’t have to mix it with water. And the floor is very clean after mopping it!

  6. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Tak payah bilas dan bancuh pun

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2020

    Pembersih lantai ni superb la. Haritu goreng hati ayam. Habis meletup2 kat dapur tu. Bersepai2 kat atas lantai bagai. Mula2 stress rasa. Lepas tu teringat pembersih lantai Method Squirt + Mop ni. Lepas selesai masak amik je pembersih lantai tu just picit2 je kat area yg dikehendaki dan mopkan guna mop yg dah dilembabkan. Tak payah dah nak bancuh2 bagai. Tak licin pun macam sabun2 biasa guna. Dah tu tak perlu pun bilas. Mop2 kan je sepuas hati. Mula2 mop agak tak puas hati mungkin tak cukup power kuantiti yg saya picitkan. Yela minyak bersepai sana sini. Nak picit tu agak2 la banyak mana yg diperlukan. Jangan picit kuat2 sbb dia cair tau kang terlebih2 pulak. Lepas tu saya mop sekali lagi baru puas hati. Malam tu lap esok pagi bangun wahhh bersih lantai yg saya mop malam td. Seronok je tengok. Bau lemon dia best. Macam aromatherapy. Menenangkan.

  7. Jeskuku83
    22 reviews

    Housework is so easy with Method Squirt +Mop

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 7, 2020

    I can easily mop over the whole house tiles with this non toxic floor cleaner and say goodbye to over dirt and residue. My baby can crawling at floor without worry toxic leftover . There is noneed dilute or rinse just one time mop the floor shining ever. Housework is so easy with Method Squirt +Mop!

  8. Qihan20
    41 reviews

    Very clean surface after mop without dilute water

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2020

    I really so happy to use this Method Squirt +Hard floor cleaner.I just need to wet my mop with plain water follow by split few drops of Method Squirt on targeted area on floor it become so shiny and clean.It is unbelievable clean and smooth!I have never to use floor detergent without dilute on water before, it is so amazing and make my life so easy !The light lemon fragrance make my room smells so refreshing and awakening!It is very safe to use without harm my sensitive skin even i direct touch on it.Many thanks. Excellent product!

  9. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Easy peasy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2020

    With Method Squirt and Mop, it is so easy to mop the floor. Just squirt and swipe the mop over the floor and see clean tiles sparkling back at you. The lemongrass scent makes the whole room smell clean and nice too.

  10. nadnod94
    68 reviews

    Lantai lebih bersih tanpa kesan tapak kaki selepas dimop

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020

    Setiap kali masalah mop ialah ada meninggalkan kesan melekit atau kesan tapak kaki. Tak perlu risau lagi selepas menggunakan floor cleaner ni. It cleans everything on every wipes! Terbaik untuk kemas lantai dapur kesan dari hasil melekit bila memasak. Lebih suka lah mengemas rumah lepas ni sebab memudahkan!

  11. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Lantai licin Dan bersih

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2020

    Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner sangat terbaik Dan mesra Alam… Suasana rumah lebih bersih Dan Segar Serta lantai lebih berseri… Memudahkan penjagaan rumah dengan adanya Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner tanpa perlu bersihkan atau mop 2 or 3 Kali…hanya sekali mop ,lantai mampu kelihatan licin Dan bersih… Haruman YG wangi Dan segar …anak2 nk guling2 dilantai juga lebih selesa dan ibu2 tidak perlu risau akan kebersihan maximum lagi kerana Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner telah berikan kebersihan yg sempurna pada lantai…juga boleh digunakan untik bersihkn cabinet dapur yg menggunakan marble.. kebersihan dapur juga lebih terjaga…

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