MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash
MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash

MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash

Product Details

Going to work, attending meetings, and working overtime is incredibly exhausting! What do you do first when you return home?

Obviously, it is time to relax with a refreshing shower! MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash has a fresh scent and soft foam, allowing you to experience the natural scent of plants while bathing, quickly wash away your fatigue and restore your appearance, and regain your vitality!

MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash adopts a natural and mild soap-free formula, with a pH value of 5.5, that can gently and thoroughly cleanse every part of the body, so that every square inch of skin can benefit from aromatherapy. No added chemicals, no artificial colouring, no alcohol, no preservatives, no parabens, no MIT and MCIT, so you can use it with confidence whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin.

After cleansing gently, you should feel comfortable and not constricted. The dense foam created by rubbing the hands together can accomplish both “deep cleansing” and “exquisite skin care” simultaneously, providing you with extremely gentle cleansing and care that leaves your skin soft and hydrated for an extended period of time. Luxuriate with seven types of natural extracts of aromatic plant essences, such as lavender, blue water lily, blue daisy, ginkgo, sunflower, calendula, and roselle, and add Australia’s finest sandalwood essential oil for a long-lasting fragrance, so that you can fall asleep every night surrounded by forest flowers!

The pleasant aroma can not only alleviate our fatigue after a long day of work, but also add some joy and a small pleasure to our lives. Especially in Malaysia, where the weather is hot and sweating easily causes clogged pores, dull, and rough skin, this is the best time to take a fragrant shower and unwind! MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash is the fragrant shower gel that brightens up bath time. The unique aromatic plant formula can accomplish deep cleansing and exquisite skin care simultaneously, effortlessly washing away the day’s fatigue while removing the enviable scent of beautiful skin.

MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash is formulated with seven types of premium plant extracts, including lavender, blue water lily, blue daisy, ginkgo, sunflower, calendula, and roselle. Your body and mind will appear to be immersed in a sea of flowers each time you take a bath with it. The addition of Australia’s finest sandalwood essential oil, will exude a light woody aroma that is suitable for both men and women.

The mild formulation of soap-free foam does not irritate the skin, and the mild ingredients with a pH value of 5.5 can effectively and gently remove dirt from pores while maintaining the skin’s natural barrier to protect skin health at all times. After showering, the skin does not feel dry or tight, and it is hydrated. Indeed, MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash cleanses and nourishes your skin at the same time, while giving you a luxurious spa-like bath experience at home.


当然是来个香喷喷的沐浴时光,好好放松一下!「MCJ BEAUTY神奇沐浴露」清新香味,柔和泡沫,让您在沐浴的同时,感受植物的天然香氛,迅速洗去一身疲惫恢复神彩,重新拥有满满活力!

「MCJ BEAUTY神奇沐浴露」采用天然温和的无皂基配方,5.5pH值能温和彻底洗净身体每一处,让每一寸肌肤都能享受芳香疗法的顶级呵护。最大的特点在于:无添加化学药物、无人造色素、无酒精、无防腐剂、无对羟基苯甲酸酯、无MIT及MCIT,不管你是干肌、油肌、敏感肌皆可以放心使用,温和清洁,洗完舒适不紧绷。随手揉搓出绵密的泡沫,能够一次完成「深层清洁」+「精致养肤」,给您极致温和的清洁呵护,肌肤柔嫩水润更持久。选用7种天然萃取芳香植物精华,包括薰衣草、蓝睡莲、蓝雏菊、银杏、葵花、金盏花以及洛神花,以及添加澳洲顶级檀香木精油,持久留香,让您每晚都在森林花香陪伴中入睡!

好闻的香气不但可以治愈忙碌工作之余的疲惫,还能给我们的生活增添一些快乐和小确幸。尤其大马天气炎热,容易流汗导致毛孔阻塞,皮肤暗沉粗糙,这个时候最适合来个香喷喷的沐浴时光,好好放松一下!让沐浴时光变开心的香氛沐浴露非 「MCJ BEAUTY 神奇沐浴露」莫属了,特制的芳香植物配方,能够一次完成「深层清洁」+「精致养肤」,轻松为你洗去白天的疲惫感,同时洗出令人羡慕的芬芳美肌。

「MCJ BEAUTY 神奇沐浴露」甄选7种优质植萃精华,包括薰衣草、蓝睡莲、蓝雏菊、银杏、葵花、金盏花以及洛神花,每次用它洗澡,身心仿佛沉浸在花海之中,充满香甜的森林气息。添加的薰衣草成分能够帮助舒缓压力,睡前用它洗澡可加倍放松全身,连枕头上都香香的,让你一觉睡到天亮。添加澳洲顶级檀香精油,花香中带出淡淡木质香,适合男女使用。

无皂基泡沫温和配方不伤肤,5.5 pH值的温和成分,有效温和去除毛孔污垢,同时维持肌肤天然屏障,时刻保护肌肤健康;用后不干涩不紧绷,保湿感满满,感觉皮肤越来越好。「MCJ BEAUTY 神奇沐浴露」让您在清洁同时养肤,在家享受SPA级精致沐浴!

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  1. cindykee72
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 31, 2023


  2. cindykee72
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 31, 2023


  3. ayesha85
    7 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 25, 2023

    MCJ Beauty Body Wash is a shower essential! It leaves my skin feeling incredibly soft, hydrated, and the scent is divine. I can’t get enough of it!

  4. Thiagarajan19
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 25, 2023

    MCJ Beauty Body Wash is simply amazing! It’s become my go-to body wash for its luxurious feel and incredible scent. The formula is gentle on my skin, leaving it soft, hydrated, and refreshed. I love the rich lather it produces, making every shower feel indulgent. The lingering fragrance is absolutely delightful, giving me a boost of confidence throughout the day. If you’re looking for a high-quality body wash that pampers your skin and elevates your bathing experience, MCJ Beauty Body Wash is a must-try.

  5. Shamala85
    10 reviews

    Luxury Body Wash

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 25, 2023

    MCJ Beauty Body Wash is a must-have! It leaves my skin feeling refreshed and silky smooth. The scent is divine and lingers throughout the day. The formula is gentle yet effective, leaving my skin clean and moisturized. I love the luxurious lather it creates. Highly recommended for a pampering shower experience!

  6. ChengWei32
    31 reviews

    MCJ body wash

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 24, 2023

    不错 味道一开始觉得不是很好闻 用久了就习惯了。是属于多泡沫的body wash,很适合和泡泡网一起使用!感觉洗得更干净,泡沫也很细腻。

  7. Jamilah Hassan
    6 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    Wow, this body wash is amazing! It smells incredible and leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth. I love that it’s packed with natural ingredients and has so many beauty benefits. And the sandalwood scent is just heavenly. I’m officially obsessed!

  8. Rahimah Raslan
    5 reviews

    Highly Recommended

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    Overall, I would highly recommend MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash to anyone who wants to pamper themselves with a luxurious, spa-like shower experience. It’s a true delight to use, and it will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and smelling absolutely amazing. So go ahead and treat yourself – you won’t regret it!

  9. Revathy Kumar
    1 reviews

    Good Body Wash

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    I just tried MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash and I have to say, it’s definitely my new favorite! The scent is so refreshing and the sandalwood adds a cool, laid-back vibe. Plus, it leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth without any dryness. I also love that it has natural ingredients like hibiscus and ginkgo biloba that make my skin look and feel healthy. As a teenager, having clear skin is super important to me and this body wash helps fight back acne and chicken skin. It’s definitely worth every penny and I can’t wait to use it again!

  10. Vijay Murugan
    1 reviews

    Magic Cleansing Body Wash!!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash is a great choice for those looking for a luxurious shower experience. The scent is refreshing and natural, and the skin-loving ingredients like sunflower seed oil and blue lotus provide great benefits. While it may be a bit pricey for some, it’s definitely worth the investment.

  11. Leslie L
    14 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    作为一名皮肤敏感的女孩,MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash是我使用过最好的沐浴露之一。它温和而不刺激,没有任何刺鼻气味,能够轻柔地清洁和保湿我的肌肤,让我远离干燥和粗糙的问题。更令人惊喜的是,它包含银杏和木香菊等天然成分,可以抗氧化和减少皮肤老化,给我年轻而健康的肌肤。虽然价格较高,但它真的非常值得一试,特别是对于皮肤敏感的人来说。我强烈推荐这款沐浴露!

  12. Cammy Chin
    5 reviews

    闻起来很新鲜 !!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2023

    MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash是我们全家都爱的沐浴露!它的味道非常自然清新,没有刺鼻的气味,深受我们一家人的喜爱。更重要的是,它富含天然成分,如向日葵籽油、银杏和木香菊,可以深层清洁和滋润肌肤,有效抵抗背部粉刺和鸡皮肤。我们也喜欢它的大瓶装设计,非常经济实惠。使用后,我们的皮肤变得柔软光滑,而且洗后没有紧绷感。总之,这款沐浴露真的很值得推荐!我们一家都给它打满分!

  13. Mohd Azmil
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 8, 2023

    MCJ BEAUTY Magic Cleansing Body Wash best sgt!!! Setiap kali selepas mandi akan terasa kulit saya lembut dan nyaman. Baunya juga sangat wangi🌹Sangat recommended…habis ni pasti saya akan repeat lg ❤

  14. SitiAisyahSaid03
    1 reviews

    Magic Cleansing Body Wash is Awesome

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 6, 2023

    Biarkan kulit saya berasa segar dengan Magic Cleaning Body Wash! Akhiri hari dengan mandian santai yang membuatkan kulit saya bersih dengan sempurna selepas setiap kali cucian.

  15. Farihin Vayrosy
    1 reviews

    Luxurious experience with MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 3, 2023

    MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash is a fantastic product that leave a luxurious cleansing experience. My skin feels soft and smooth. Thanks to its natural ingredients such as aloe vera and tea tree oil, which help to nourish the skin too.

    Great thing about this is its refreshing scent. The formula is infused with a delightful fragrance that makes me feel refreshed. The scent is pleasant, and my family loves it too.

    Furthermore, this body wash is gentle on the skin and suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive skin.

    I highly recommend this product. If you’re looking for a high-quality body wash that will leave your skin feeling clean, soft, and refreshed, this is definitely a product worth trying.

  16. siimut61
    14 reviews

    Body wash terthebest

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 5, 2023

    Pencuci badan ini sangat padat dengan bahan-bahan yang sesuai untuk kulit Asia dengan aroma therapy yang sangat wangi yang dapat menghilangkan tekanan selepas bekerja. Pencuci badan ini juga boleh merawat kulit kering, melembapkan kulit kusam dan kering buih pun banyak sangat, pembungkusan yang besar dan cantik dengan harga yang berpatutan.

  17. Joon Loong
    1 reviews

    Nice products

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2023

    Very good product to use. After using, skin felt more softer and smoother compared to previous products. It creates a lot of bubbles and foams. It has very nice smells since it is made from many natural ingredients such as lavender, blue lotus and other. I recommend other to try it and see the results.

  18. MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash "Very Happy to Have This Product"

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2023

    Having healthy skin is very essential to us, which is why I’m so glad this product exists. For you with dry skin type, highly recommended to have this product in your bathroom. I’ve been using it for a few days now, and I’m pleased with this MCJ Beauty. It has an aromatic and elite fragrance. Not to mention getting a free cleansing sponge. Complete package for your family. Love it !!!

  19. wendiy25
    22 reviews

    love the products

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2023

    I loved it the first time I bought it, and I’ve been using it for a week now. The aroma is very fragrant and relaxing, almost like being in therapy. It is critical for an office worker to have items that can relieve stress after work. So, you should try it because the price is very reasonable and the It expired for far too long, and I adore it.

  20. MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2023

    Thank you choosing me to try and review the MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash. I really love the scent because it formulated with seven types of premium plant extracts, the aroma fragrance from the flowers make my body smell good after bath, feel fresh and calm.

    The benefits after using this body wash is my skin feel better because i have dry skin and irratated skin, my skin so soft, clean and moisture all long day because the natural ingredients that can protect skin from hydrated. I really fall in love with this body wash can give me healthy skin and good scent that make me feel comfortable and confident every day after bath.

    The comparison between my body wash that I\’ve used before and this Magic Cleansing Body Wash is : this body wash is more protection can moisture my skin and relief my irritated skin & the product I\’ve used before make my skin dry. This body wash fragrance is so nice make body feel fresh and calm.

    Last but not listed i really recommend for family to used this magic body shower let\’s go buy and try it 😄

  21. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Works well

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 28, 2023

    Love the cleansing sponge that comes free with the bottle. The scent is refreshing too and it thoroughly cleanses my body without stripping off the moisture. I feel clean, refreshed and moisturised after each shower.

    1 reviews

    MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash Review

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 25, 2023

    I love MCJ Beauty Magic Cleansing Body Wash because I like its nice fragrance. It has many benefits especially in cleansing my clogged pores effectively from sticky oil or dirt and my skin stays hydrated and moisturized up to 12 hours. It is hard to find such a good product like this one that can keep me stay refresh in the market. A very recommended body wash for a whole family with anti-bacteria ingredients and affordable price!

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