Kit Kat Green Tea Bites

Product Details

The world’s first Halal KIT KAT Green Tea is now available in delicious bite sized morsels! Have a bite of KIT KAT Green Tea BITES and experience one of the sweetest moments in your life – high quality Japanese green tea confectionary that melts in your mouth with a nice crispy wafer that will make you crave for more!

  1. tiqasri78
    9 reviews

    New favorite!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 24, 2018

    Honestly i dont like green tea. Really. But I started to like this after my friend offered me this green tea kit kat. At first i think I’m going to reject the offer but i think just give a try. OH MY GOD its so yummy. Not disappointing at all!! The green tea flavor is not that strong but still there. Keep it up kitkat! Always be my favorite when I’m craving for chocolate!

  2. Piqahchu40
    3 reviews

    From unlike to likey

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 22, 2018

    Saya memang sorang yg tak menggemari apa2 flavour yg berkaitan dgn green tea. Sbb bau nya wangi and rasa pun wangi. Tapi,sejak kit kat keluarkan produk kit kat green tea ni, tak sangka saya suka sgt dgn perisa baru ni. Dulu,tak suka green tea,coklat green tea pun jadilah.

  3. Azie Layla
    105 reviews

    Sesuai untuk penggemar Teh Hijau

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Sebagai penggemar teh hijau, saya sangat sukakan Kit Kat Green Tea Bites. Rasanya yang unik menambah lagi keenakan snek coklat ini. Rase sedikit berlemak dan pahit membuatkan sensasi rasa Teh Hijau menari-nari di hujung lidah anda.

  4. RenNurfatihah50
    137 reviews

    Rasa unik dan lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 24, 2017

    Saya sangat suka Kit Kat Green Tea ni sebab rasanya yang unik dan sedap dengan coklat hijau yg memikat rasa. Baunya harum dan wafernya sangat rangup juga. Memang sedaplah. Highly recommended. Paling penting dia ada cop halal..

  5. Shahrul64
    164 reviews

    Sedap dan lazat

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 12, 2017

    Saya baru mencuba kit kat green tea.. Amat sedap sekali. Rasanya tidak terlalu manis dan lemak. Rasa yang unik dan menarik. Baunya juga sungguh wangi sekali. Anak saya juga suka makan kit kat green tea ini. Amat menenangkan. Bau yang harum. Seperti minum air tea hijau. Aroma nya juga membangkitkan rasa. Tidak terlalu manis dan sedap di makan. Mudah di cari di pasaraya berdekatan. Tidak puas makan satu. Di nikmati sambil menonton tv. Amat menyeronokan.

  6. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    Recommend to green tea fans

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    These are awesome.They taste so good. The weird thing is that they taste just like regular kit Kats, just slightly different. it’s absolutely delicious. It’s the best flavor I have tried.

  7. Fieza Maulanah
    161 reviews

    Kegemaran keluarga saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Kombinasi coklat dan green tea membuatkan kit kat green tea ini sangat sedap berlemak. Keluarga saya memang sukakannya. Bila ke supermarket semestinya akan ‘grab’ untuk makan bersantai bersama keluarga sambil layan tv.

  8. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    green tea 口味

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 12, 2017

    我很喜欢吃kit kat ,green tea 口味根本就是让我爱到不行的, 如果green tea 味再重点更加的好吃。

  9. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    matcha i love eat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 21, 2017

    any flavor is matcha i must will buy to eat , I enjoy the waffle inside and the great combination with the waffle and the milk chocolate combo & matcha

  10. Rebecca Koay
    150 reviews

    My favourite combo of choc & matcha

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 5, 2017

    Nationwide’s favorite “have a break, have a Kit Kat” has now come up with bite-sized Kit Kats dipped in green tea flavour! First tasted this combo in Japan. Love this combination of my favorite Kit Kat and matcha!

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