Huawei Honor 7 L01

Product Details

Presenting the new Huawei Honor 7, the brand new addition to the Honor family of high quality smartphones. Packing a powerful processor and a slew of awesome features all encased in a slim and sexy designed body. For its quality in build the Honor 7 is competitively priced making it on par with many other notable smartphones in the market.

Premium LookThe Honor 7 features a metal chassis which creates a premium overall look for the device. The smartphone is solidly built and well put together to handle everyday use. The 5.2” Full HD screen also lends into the look and feel off a classy smartphone. The design is simple yet elegant making it perfect for everyone’s tastes.

Fingerprint SecurityA fingerprint sensor is included with the Honor 7 to ensure better security for your smartphone and your privacy. The sensor is located at the back of the phone just below the camera. The position allows users for a quick and easy finger scan as you pick up your phone, instantly unlocking it for you when you want to use it.

Power MachinePowering the Honor 7 is a 2.2GHz octa-core processor capable of delivering amazing performance and speed. Plus with a 3GB RAM, you can be sure to do more things without any lag impeding you. Whether its games, apps or just surfing the net, the Honor 7 will deliver smooth and fast performances. Worried about battery life? Don’t, as the Honor 7 packs a 2450mAh battery capable of lasting for 2 days on moderate use.

Stunning CameraA 20MP sits nicely at the back of the Honor 7 capable of capturing stunning images. Besides that, you can also get creative and explore the numerous filters available on the device. A demist feature is also available for you to clear up those foggy pictures as well as a Food Mode for those who love taking pictures of their food.

  1. Myzull Astiny
    3 reviews

    very good!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    i’m a camera addict, so for me the camera are perfect!!..nice quality of camera. ram speed are good!!..

  2. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    Setanding jenama terkenal lain pada harga lebih murah

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 26, 2017

    Saya guna phone ni lebih kurang 3 bulan. Saya memang suka tukar2 phone. Apa yg saya bole katakan phone ni memang setanding dengan jenama lain yg terkenal dan mahal.

    Phone ni tak lag langsung bila guna. Smooth saja. Fingerprints dia pun sangat laju dan cepat.

  3. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    i have been using mobiles since 1995, I have used all the big brands and flagship models. I bought this as a cheap decent spec 2nd phone for work and ended up making it my main phone and switching my Samsung Galaxy as my 2nd phone.

    This phone performs as well if not better than some plus big name phones I have had in the past, It is not full of features I don’t want but would be paying for on other phones, but it does have features that I find useful and DO use. The fingerprint scanner is amazingly reliable and fast, the camera is very good, I have as many apps on this phone as on others but the phone NEVER gets sluggish. I NEVER have to charge my phone during the day to keep it going. Mobile data is on 16 hours a day.

  4. mizarifin91
    136 reviews

    kamera cantik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    suami bagi saya telefon ni. jadinya telefon kesayangan la. suka kamera jelas dan cantik. ada lock guna fingerprints dan saya selesa guna fingerprints ni sebab rasa lebih selamat. skrin pon besar senang tengok video

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