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Recent review: I bought this product as an extra health supplement because I read that Evening Primrose Oil has many benefits especially for women's overall well being including menstruation, skin, hair and also my nails. It is halal certified. I take 2…
NuhaMohd27Recent review: Due to its unique fatty acid content, Evening Primrose Oil has also been used successfully to treat scaly skin conditions, where its effects in reducing itching were the most striking. Prostaglandins derived from GLA in evening primrose oil have an…
ilasabran67Recent review: Saya suka ambil pada waktu pagi dan sometime waktu malam...KINOHIMITSU J’Pan Collagen Diamond 5300 Drink membantu saya mendapatkan kulit yang lebih cerah sekata dan berseri serta bekas jerawat semakin hilang... In love dengan rasa masam manis KINOHIMITSU J’Pan Collagen Diamond…
Shika43Recent review: bau mint dan sedikit bau herba Hurix’s Cool Inhaler, sangat membantu kurangkan hidung tersumbat... saya and family memang akan gunakan Hurix’s Cool Inhaler untuk kurangkan selsema dan masalah hidung tersumbat... bau yang berangin sangat cepat membuka rongga hidung yang tersumbat…
Shika88Recent review: Saya mengalami jerawat yang teruk. Tetapi selepas 2 bulan I consume Vitamin C + Zinc ini, mmg mujarab, jerawat dah kurang, kulit pun nampak cerah. I akan terus consume product ni, mmg bagus
swallowcloud36Recent review: Shaklee B-Vitamin give more benefits for our health. Especially for me, that i always did not have enough balanced meals almost every day. B vitamin supports energy production in my cell body. Somehow, we can get B Vitamin from our…
AHakimi98745Recent review: I took Ostematrix since the birth of my first up till now, which is my 4th. It really helps with my constipation. I also feel fresh when I wake up. Its definitly a must have vitamin. Either being pregnant or…
Ezzwin59Recent review: Surya 蜂蜜苹果醋是本地制作,在各大超市都可以找到,450ML才RM15+,价格非常亲民便宜。苹果醋对健康有许多益处,听说饭前少量饮用也有助抑制食欲和消耗脂肪。我平时会每天饮用,帮助促进肠胃蠕动,促进消化,又有排毒的功效。通常我是倒一个杯盖,然后倒在白开水一起混合饮用,我是不太敢直接喝,因为怕酸到反胃。
tomorrow_estherRecent review: I like it!! It tastes good. Carberry contains a lot of vitamins that benefit our body such as reducing the metabolic syndrome like cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Besides, consuming the drink also can help strengthen our…